Easy openSUSE Upgradea project by maverick74 The idea is about an easy way to allow users to make upgrades (e.g.: changing from one major version like 15.0 to version 15.1) using a GUI and as easy as they can in Ubuntu. |
Learn (machine) learningan invention by mwilck I'd like to gain practical knowledge about machine learning / TensorFlow / scikit by trying out simple examples. |
crash-pythona project by jeff_mahoney New Development |
New SUSE R&D Employee workstation/laptop auto-installera project by dmacvicar The idea is to create a bootable medium (eg. pendrive) that allows: |
openQA IDEa project by coolo There is a running gag built into openQA called interactive mode. It goes like this: "if you need the interactive mode, it's broken". The reason: the so called interactive mode is a collection of hacks - in theory making it possible to update needles in a running test. |
[openSUSE] speed up distro rebuild time by analyzing rebuild grapha project by lnussel The openSUSE build service could build hundreds of packages in parallel but in practice serial package dependencies prevent that. |
Simulate SD card in softwarea project by algraf To make OpenQA work with real ARM devices, we need to control |
Company Dashboarda record by hennevogel Grab the workstation in the room behind the reception desk and make it a serve some dashboard framework like dashing to the TV at the reception desk and the network. |
Implement >=z10 (s390x) support to QEMUa project by mbenes Last time I checked QEMU lacked support for >= z10 processors. Thus one cannot run SLE12 and newer in a virtual machine on non-s390x host. I'd like to improve the situation during Hackweeks. |
Write SUSE engineering blog postsa project by ptesarik L3 bug reproduction often requires becoming the admin for a moment. I'd like to write down some nifty tricks I used to get certain “interesting” system configurations to work. |
(DIY) Robotic SUSE pet for your desktop and amaze your workmatesa project by ilausuch The idea is to create a fantastic robotic SUSE pet using cheap materials. It will be moved with you remote control of your TV. After building the prototype the schemes and Arduino code will be delivered for everyone to try building it at home. |
Improve Rubya project by ammartinez Let's use the Hackweek to improve Ruby, the programming language I use every day. It is while using a language when you can realised that things that need/can to be improved, so there are many things that only Ruby developers can raise up. Also, getting involved in the development of Ruby will help to get a better understanding of how it works. So I will take my ideas/concerns to the Ruby community and implement some of the them in the code of the Ruby core. |
SUSEGo - A knowledge search enginea project by jcavalheiro Why |
SUSE Musicians Projecta project by jctmichel We started the SUSE Musician's Space several Hackweeks ago, out of which we spawned the SUSE band, now known as SUSE LOUD. |
Learn Pythona project by djz88 Python is well known all over the world and has wide range of usage. Lets dive into to a bit. |
Cryptocurencies in openSUSEa project by pluskalm I want to create devel project for cryptocurrencies/mining tools/blockchain related stuff, fill it with packages and submit at least some of them to Tumbleweed. |
grab this: openSUSE beta test program and web applicationa project by lnussel openSUSE Leap 42.3 goes for a rolling release model with automated openQA tests. That covers only so much though. We need manual testing too. In previous releases a google document spread sheet was used to coordinate and track the efforts.That's probably not the best method anymore. |
Reverse engineer Tecnoalarm protocola project by cbosdonnat TecnoAlarm is a house alarm system. The input devices are communicating with the main node of the system via an RS 485 bus. In order to be able to plug in such systems in a house automation system, its communication protocol needs to be reverse engineered. |
RMT: repository mirroring toolan invention by ikapelyukhin The project |
Analyze supportconfig data with ELK (elasticsearch, logstash, kibana)a project by kwk We all pant for customer data. Which hardware do customers run ? Which packages are installed ? Which services are running ? etc. pp. |
Another try on minimalistic C widget librarya project by metan I've attempted this several times already and each attempt had different shortcomings. I'm kind of curious about how exactly will I fail this time. |
OBS project file searcha project by adamm Implement a basic file search for a given OBS project. An example of basic functionality can already be found for Ubuntu or Debian. The goal is to implement, |
shell script static analyzera project by michals With all those analyzers for C code we get so much information about our C code. |
Intranet Search Enginea project by sven15 In this hack week we want to focus on improving the existing components used for http://docsearch.nue.suse.com. Creating separated repositories for each service and pushing them to github.com is also desired. |
Setup a WhatsApp <-> XMPP Gatewaya project by holgisms I'm using Conversations (XMPP+OMEMO) as an encrypted IM solution. Since a lot of groups organizing them self using WhatsApp, it's hard to stay away from it. |
Learn how openQA was implemented in details.a project by GraceWang Learn how openQA was implemented in details. |
buit: fancy ultra fast mail client or "my local gmail"a project by dmacvicar My current mail setup is mu4e and emacs based mail client included with the amazing mu mail indexer. mu works similar to notmuch but allows easy bidirectional operation with the original Maildir. Add mbsync (isync) to sync imap locally and msmtp and you have a full mail setup. |
Scripts and recipes for setting up VMs with multipath and other compex storage stacksa project by mwilck Customers are using complex storage stacks such as LVM over dm-crypt over MD RAID over multipath over iSCSI and FC with LOTs of LUNs, and we're facing problems in that area which are usually very hard to reproduce. It's also hard to guard against regressions. |
Make YaST Testing Independent of Keyboard Shortcutsa project by shundhammer Motivation / Problem |
Help with mainline support for the Mediatek chromebook (MT8173 based)a project by mbrugger Lately the necessary patches to get rudimentary support for the Mediatek chromebook with a mainline kernel got posted. There are some hacks and I'll work on some good solution to get graphics go, at least. |
Big SUSE Event Bus (for SUSE services integration)a project by mdinca Within SUSE we are using various systems for different tasks. E.g. GitHub and GitLab as DVCS, Jenkins for building or testing, OBS for building… and the list continues. Some of those systems can be interconnected in some way. But not every system can do that, especially if you are behind a corporate firewall and some (I'm looking at you GitHub) have a quota. So wouldn't it be nice to have something like a Big SUSE event bus, where every event we'd be interested in could be queried or subscribed to? |
Learning & using Tensorflow to estimate patch installation times on SUSE Manageran invention by PSuarezHernandez Introduction |
Reanimate djmounta project by mwilck djmount is a neat idea - see UPnP/AV resources in your directly in the file system. Unfortunately the code hasn't been maintained for ~10y, and - at least for me - seems to by plagued by various bugs causing crashes and what not. There's currently no official openSUSE package. This project aims to pick up the code, fix bugs, and make the tool actually useful again. The code itself seems to be in quite a good shape, so this should be doable. |
Take care of my Debian packagesan invention by vcuadradojuan Take time this week to take care of the packages I maintain at Debian; open bugs, fix bugs, new upstream versions, enable testsuites in autopkgtest. |
Upstream support for SGI Octanean invention by tsbogend Patches for supporting SGI Octanes are floating around since ages. The latest version is against v4.10. I've talked to Ralf Baechle (MIPS kernel maintainer) and he is willing to take patches from me... so I have to provide them... and this what this project is for:-) |
netlink interface for ethtoola project by mkubecek There seems to be an overall consensus that the ioctl interface used by ethtool is a poor design as it's inflexible, error prone and notoriously hard to extend. It should clearly be replaced by netlink and obsoleted. Unfortunately not much actual work has been done in that direction until this project started. |
L3 workflow in Jiraan idea by puzel L3 workflow is implemented in a custom, developed in-house, tool called SolidGround |
Learn and use mesona project by JonathanKang meson[0], a replacement to autotools, is very popular nowadays. It's a lot faster than autotools as far as what I hear and see. Besides lots of GNOME projects has been ported to meson. As one of the maintainers of GNOME Logs[1], I need learn meson and try to port Logs to meson for faster building. |
Create a tool to generate vCPU/vNUMA topology for virtual machinesa project by jfehlig Most large workloads such as SAP HANA require special, highly optimized configuration to run in a virtual machine. Virtual resources such as memory and CPU must be carefully configured to ensure optimum performance of the virtual machine workload. Default VM configuration created by tools such as virt-install are not optimized and often result in poor performance of large workloads due to memory access latencies and incorrect/incomplete information available to the VM's task scheduler. |
Wayland security review.an idea by yfjiang One of the significant advantages of Wayland is about security, to isolate input/output of every single windows, encourage non-root user running the core process, as well as discouraging root user running any graphical applications. The project wants to have a close look at Wayland trying to address the questions: |
Pair Programming Test Drive/Probefahrta project by mamorales Are you interested in pairing? Are you wondering whether it is something that would help you and your team members in your current project? Would you like to try it out before you fully commit to such an extreme idea? Then this is your lucky day Sir/Madam! |
Do some 3D printingan invention by aschnell Do some 3D printing incluing designing the object. |
Go async (and non-blocking) with HTTP requestsa project by j_renner There is a couple of libraries available for asynchronous and non-blocking processing of HTTP requests (in Java) that can be used to avoid having threads waiting for responses in request intensive applications, for example: |
Practice Goa project by vcuadradojuan Use this hackweek to practice and learn more about Go. |
Mottainai - what a waste!a project by EDiGiacinto Mottainai - Task/Job/Build Server for everyone! |
My Little Managera project by lucidd Yes this project is yet another project for creating a Suse Manager clone. |
Learn QT Linguist and improve translations for FET (a timetable creator)a project by juliogonzalezgil The idea is getting a general knowledge of how QT Linguist works, and help FET with some translations. |
Gran Canaria office: whiteboard, cubieboard and morea project by ancorgs Time for technical housekeeping in the shared Gran Canaria office. |
OBS GitLab integrationa project by adrianSuSE First part is to support automated builds on git pushes also with gitlab, similar to what we do already with github.com. This means OBS would get notificated in a save way to refetch sources and start build on each commit. |
Old games on modern Linuxa project by mstaudt There are plenty of old games that were compiled for Linux - particularly in Loki times around 2000. |
Amiga funa project by mstaudt Let's dust off our Amigas, hook up our mice and joysticks, and see what elegant software and hardware could do back in the 80s and 90s! |
Time Cubea project by cbruckmayer An initial prototype from the last hackweek can be found on YouTube |
Add SUSE Manager virtualization management capabilitiesa project by cbosdonnat SUSE Manager can do some virtual machines management, but needs a lot to be complete. This project is about investigating more on that topic. |
Task manager in Elixir/Erlanga project by vmoravec Elixir is a Ruby-ish dialect of Erlang with meta-programming capabilities, this is my first project using it: pedro . The idea is to create a task manager that would organize tasks (jobs) and manage them in projects. It will be running locally, remotely or both in multi-node setup, will provide CLI, have web UI relying on http and websockets. |
Live audio projecta project by simotek Live audio tools could use some work in openSUSE and are fun to play with. |
Implement git-explode to untangle linear sequence of commits into multiple independent topic branchesa project by aspiers Automate the process described here: |
Upstreaming of mediatek helios boardan idea by mbrugger The only Mediatek "hacker" board available is from 96 Boards [1]. Unfortunately up to now there is nearly no mainline support. Idea would be to improve this situation. The idea would be to get the pin-controller merged first and then hopefully most of the other stuff can be just added (fingers crossed...) |
Learn & Improve Qt, C++ - Project Oficinaa project by slemke Updated almost 6 years ago. 3 hacker ♥️. |
zypper-docker reloadeda project by mssola The aim of this project is to finish up the work already done in previous editions of Hackweek in regards to zypper-docker. That being: |
Upstream support for the NXP LPC313x ARM SoCan idea by morbidrsa I have an old NXP LPC313x ARM SoC develboard lying around which has no upstream kernel support, port the ancient 2.6.xx BSP to a recent upstream kernel and submit it. |
Visualize new SLE15 module trees in SCC as an interactive tree diagrama project by thutterer Everything is (in) a module now. They depend on each other and you need a whiteboard and a few different colors to understand and remember how. |
Package odpdown and get it into OpenSUSEa project by jgrassler I am currently using odpdown for presentations (tl;dr: it lets you write your slides in Markdown and generates Libreoffice slides from that and a Libreoffice slide master (such as a corporate identity template)). It is currently not available in OpenSUSE so it needs to be packaged and submitted to Factory. |
Boot system from Ceph RADOS Block Devicean idea by dmdiss Write a new Dracut module which adds support for booting a system where the root filesystem resides on a remote RBD image. |
Bootstrap portusctl as a separate repositorya project by mssola Right now |
Rocket.Chat Protocol Plugin for Thunderbirdan idea by mook_work While SUSE still runs mainly on IRC, we still need to interact with others, some of which occurs on Slack and Rocket.Chat. I'd like to have one chat application with a good overview of all the various channels I'm in, across the different servers. |
Improve kernel crashdump upload infrastructurea project by puzel Kernel dumps, provided by our customers, are uploaded by Customer Support to ziu.suse.de and shared via NFS to L3 servers at which they're analyzed. This procedure works, but likely has room for improvement. |
Solve a bug for GNOME upstreaman idea by qkzhu I want to improve my C skills and pick up some knowledge about Gtk+, Glib, Gobject... Some GNOME C projects might be a good place to start: |
Create a web application for configuring laitos - your "Do Everything" software for serious preppersa project by guohouzuo Laitos is an open source project written in go, it emphasizes simplicity of maintenance and delivers a complete suite of web, DNS, and mail servers to host a personal web server. Beyond the suite of servers, laitos software hooks into numerous API platforms, that altogether enable user access to Internet features (such as Facebook, Twitter, emails) via alternative communication infrastructures such as telephone (PSTN), SMS, and satellite terminals. |
Parser to extract function names from openQA lib/ functions - improve perl skillsa project by jorauch Since there is no real documentation about openQA's lib/ functions I wanted to kill two birds with one stone and write a parser in perl that extracts all function names (and maybe preceding comments) in said directory and improve my perl knowledge by doing this. |
Running Workshopa project by tgoettlicher Fresh air and motion helps your brain to come up with new and creative ideas. |
Implement QEMU Firmware Config device support in Linuxrc/AutoYaSTa project by dmacvicar While normally data is passed to linuxrc (including an AutoYaST profile), modern auto-install tools like Ignition from CoreOS support a very interesting method: the QEMU Firmware Config device. |
Learn how to write Dracut modulesa project by nadvornik
Compile Factory or some components entirely with Address Sanitizer enabled and push it to openQAan idea by vpereirabr Following Tizen and other internal initiatives, to have Factory complete or partially compiled with Address Sanitizer and give it openQA a try to "fuzz" it, looking for memory management issues: |
Setup TensorFlow and wrote a simple classifiera project by mbologna
Enlightenment Themesa project by simotek I have several themes in progress, they all need lots of work before they could be used with openSUSE. * The gtk people keep changing things so the gtk theme I use to match my enlightenment theme also needs fixing. |
Using BCC to snoop Wifi or Bluetooh statusa project by acho BPF Compiler Collection (BCC)https://github.com/iovisor/bcc |
Automation of virtualization testing in QAM team (deployment+basic test scenario)a project by brhavel This was planned for previous hackweek (hw16-1) |
Replace ctcs2 with avocadoa project by pluskalm We need to package avocado, get it into distro and migrate some of our testsuites from ctcs2. Atm avocado is present in openSUSE:Factory and Backports exist at my home project |
package mediagoblinan invention by mstrigl From the mediagoblin.org website: |
Heart Rate Variabilty (HRV) evaluation with open source toolsa project by bigironman What is HRV ? |
Learn to use pen testing toolsa project by bryanstephenson Take some online classes for penetration testing tools and then practice using them. The goal is to learn enough to provide some value for pen testing of real products. Originally I was hoping to have a real cloud to pen test, but that appears unlikely so I plan to set up an Apache web server instead as the system under test. It won't matter much as the goal is to learn to use the tools. |
openSUSE:Factory python2/python3 splita project by pluskalm As in near future, there will be python2python3 in Factory but no /usr/bin/python and in SLE-15 base no python2 it is necessary to start checking/switching dependencies. |
Designing with LibreOfficea project by rliang06 L10N for the book entitled Designing with LibreOffice by Bruce Byfield |
Supportconfig to VM/Containeran idea by puzel Supportconfig contains plenty of information about the system at which it has been generated. Common task within the support chain is reproduction of the customer reported issues in our environment. The goal is to develop a tool which takes supportconfig as input and produces either a VM or a container image, resembling as closely as possible the system described by the suportconfig (e.g. installed SP, package versions, storage layout, networking layout, ...). Benefit: help with setting up the reproduction environment. |
Add a y2log viewer to openQA's WebUIa project by cwh Quite a big part of openQA is testing the installation of SUSE products. All of them are installed by YaST. So a big quantity of problems found during openQA testruns are YaST problems. |
Easy Hacks of LibreOfficean idea by zhengqiang LibreOffice is developed by hundreds of people around the world. It's free and open source software, so I would like to study how it works and add improvements. Start with fixing bugs, to improve skills and be more involved in open source projects. |
Ansible configs for home infrastructure: router, nas, server, desktop, laptop, htpc, offlinepca project by vcuadradojuan A successor of |
Try some Image Processing examples with OpenCV-Pythonan idea by qmsu Learn the OpenCV library and try some examples about "Image Processing" with OpenCV-Python. |
Add support for DDR4 to decode-dimmsa project by jdelvare While DDR4 memory has become quite popular, decode-dimms doesn't know about it and is not able to display any useful information for DDR4 memory modules. I would like decode-dimms to provide the same detailed information about DDR4 memory modules as it does for all older memory types. |
Crowbar : to be able to change barclamp raw properties in a new user-friendly UIan idea by ilausuch In crowbar for each barclamp we can change some attributes using comfortable UI fields, but sometimes we need to change some attributes that aren't defined in these fields therefore we have to manipulate a json in a text area to change them. |
Linux Memory Subsystem researchan idea by osalvador Currently I am doing a research about the memory subsystem under Linux, and I would like to seize the opportunity to go on during the HackWeek. |
online DB of L3 supported productsa project by mvancura The goal is to create a set of YAML files describing L3 supported products with all metadata we need to store there - and a JS presentation layer automatically showing this data in several forms, one of them will be a part of our L3 documentation. |
git snitcha project by zhangxiaofei While it is important for package maintainers to track the upstream code base activities and backport significant patches in a timely manner, it could be a tedious work when there's hundreds of packages in a project (ahem, GNOME) to follow manually. |
create a kernle module monitor basic information in disk/driver IOan invention by jerrytang I'v been doing the testing on device mapper, once there are some regression it's very hard to debug without block-layer knowledge. |
Play with Caas Platform 2 and Salta project by wanghaisu CaaSP is designed to be used with containers based on SUSE micro OS, using Salt as the management tool. CaaSP2 GMC is available at the moment. I want to spend the hackweek 0x10 to play with it, figure out how CasSP integrate and work with Salt. |
Home data center project base on raspberry pi and openSUSEa record by JWSun Setup a home data center base on raspberry pi and openSUSE |
Improve Conference Recording Experiencea project by dmolkentin Problem statement |
Study SymPy / Learn some Python & refresh some Mathsan idea by JERiveraMoya I would like to experiment with SymPy this week, it is a good opportunity to use some python, learn symbolic mathematics and refresh some Maths, starting with the tutorial http://docs.sympy.org/latest/tutorial/index.html and later choosing some of the modules in the official documentation http://docs.sympy.org/latest/index.html. |
A tool to find a patch series from one of its git commita project by david_chang When doing the backport, I sometimes spend some time to check if the commit comes from a patch series and list all commits of a patch series. So I'd like to create a tool for doing this quickly. |
Y2Storage improve logginga project by ancorgs YaST dumps quite information to its own log file (placed at /var/log/YaST2/y2log). That info is very useful to understand and discover what is happening when an issue appears. All YaST modules write into this log file, and the brand new yast2-storage-ng is not an exception. Some improvements are necessary regarding to the logging of this new module: |
Jangouts: integrate outcome of GSoCa project by ancorgs We got a couple of GSoC projects around Jangouts this year: |
Make The Flatscreen Great Againa project by RBrownSUSE SLE Engineering have a large flatscreen in the shared space just outside of Thorsten Kukuk and Stefan Behlert's office |
Experiment with WeKanan invention by RBrownSUSE While I despise Trello, I quite like the idea of using a Kanban board to organise my individual work and much of my personal projects |
Learning Rust by rewriting DriConf with GTK+ 4a project by clanig The DriConf-Project inside of MESA has seen its latest update in 2006 and is implemented with GTK+ 2. https://dri.freedesktop.org/wiki/DriConf/ |
Give a shot at photogrammetryan invention by ikapelyukhin Results: |
Introduce Kitchen tests for the Suse Openstack Cloud chef cookbooksan idea by itxaka There is a lack of testing for our infrastructure code, in the chef part. While we have openstack tests that indicate that the chef cookbooks did their work (kind of) there is multitude of small details that can get away and not come up in the openstack tests that refer to infrastructure and changing cookbooks can lead to disasters without proper testing. |
Refactor apply_role in crowbar framework to create a better worlda project by itxaka Look at this beauty: https://github.com/crowbar/crowbar-core/blob/master/crowbarframework/app/models/serviceobject.rb#L941 |
Running openATTIC and DeepSea on multiple distrosa project by jluis Running openATTIC and DeepSea on Multiple Distributions |
Improve TAP and RSpec parsing in openQA External Harness Parsera project by foursixnine Currently there is support for TAP being added to OpenQA::Parser::Format |
Build a tea candle housing from sugar cubesa project by bmwiedemann A nice project for enhancing the winter time: |
kCFI Releasea project by jmoreira kCFI is a tool that enables the compilation of commodity Operating Systems with Control-Flow Integrity protection. kCFI first prototype was developed/implemented during a PhD program held in the University of Campinas, in Brazil. Although fully functional, the tool remains in a very experimental shape, needing to be refactored prior to being released. |
orr: openSUSE rvm replacementan idea by hennevogel
FUN with ssh and tunnels in openstackan idea by duartead there are many options for creating vpn tunnels using ssh. remote port forwading, local port forwarding, and even creation of tun interfaces with the "-w" switch. During this hack we will try to craete an "appliance" vm that can be used as a sshvpn concentrator inside an openstack cloud. |
port notmuch/muchsync to androida project by aaptel port notmuch/muchsync to android, with some java ui on top |
SMT in a Containeran invention by jsevans It's a pretty simple idea. Be able to deploy an SMT using Docker with minimum effort. |
Package Mycroft Core and the Mycroft Plasmoid for openSUSEan invention by alarrosa Mycroft is an open source artificial intelligence platform (an open source assistant) and has very nice demos like: Mycroft Plasmoid Version 2.0 and Akademy 2017 presentation (this one starts around 2:30) . |
mamiruan idea by persmule tool to split the header and body of an OpenPGP digital envelope |
Check out hamster-lib time tracking toola record by mwilck I'm using [hamster time tracker] for personal time tracking and project accounting, and have volunteered to be the maintainer for openSUSE. Unfortunately both hamster 1.x and hamster 2.x are basically unmaintained. The project has been undergoing a major refactoring for a year already, transitioning to a new architecture based on [hamster-lib]. I'd like to explore this, and to check whether it's ready to be packaged for openSUSE to reach a broader audience (I fear not). |
Make maildirproc IMAP readya project by jgrassler I currently use maildirproc for filtering Maildirs downloaded by offlineimap and like its highly flexible approach to filtering a lot (filters Python code). This works very well, except for one problem: after filtering, the next offlineimap run deletes the messages that where previously in |
Setup E-Mail notification about new or changed SAP Notesa project by AngelaBriel Try to get back an automatic email notification about new or changed SAP Notes. Since SAP has closed down some of their internal servers, which hosted an unofficial database/API to the SAP Notes, the nice email notification service of the SAP LinuxLab is terminated. |
Rocket.Chat Improvementsa project by nkrinner Various improvements to Rocket.Chat, like - adding a IRC/Rocket.Chat gateway |
Proper difftool for supportconfigsan idea by jschmid1 Supportconfigs are huge blob of text which we are asked to examine and deduce issues from. |
yast python bindingsa record by dmulder The bindings have not really been maintained or used, and don't work so well: https://github.com/yast/yast-python-bindings We've started a project rewriting these bindings (using some of the old source). |
Save and restore desktop window positionsa project by blgardner I switch fairly often from working on my laptop alone to working on my laptop attached to the dock with several monitors, and I have to move my windows around every time I switch. I want a tool to save and load window/desktop location configurations. I've tried a few tools and scripts that either haven't worked or haven't worked to my liking. I propose to create a tool that will work for openSUSE. |
Porting coreboot to Dell Latitude E6230a project by ArchLinux I'm going to port coreboot to the Dell Latitude E6230 laptop and make it work. |
Try more qemu/libvirt features.a project by xlai Current virtualization requirements mainly come from fate, and I haven't got chance to try freely many features of qemu/libvirt. So I will try to play it. |
GJS memory snapshot toolan idea by xiaoguang_wang GJS is javascript engine used by gnome-shell. |
Add support for m3u, m3u extended, pls, and asx playlists to Volumio music player.a project by cwh Volumio is a great, Linux based, open source music player for Raspberry PI and x86. |
Learn about log-structured file systemsa project by ganghe Compared with traditional file systems (e.g. EXT4, XFS), log-structured file systems treat its storage as a circular log and write sequentially to the head of the log. I want to learn about this kind of file system via this hack week, to understand how it manages its data and metadata, to understand how it recover back from crash, to understand its advantages and disadvantages. |
Loosely coupled integration between SUSE Manager and Machineryan idea by joachimwerner The Machinery project adds one feature to SUSE Manager that even Salt in its current state can not fully provide: You can scan a complete system for all programs, configuration files, users, and services that are present, and compare those over time. |
My own picture gallery using Flickr APIa project by mvancura Flickr provides not only a large space for photos but also nice features around, including tags and other metadata allowing sorting of photos by different criteria - but one is very limited in the design of something like "frontpage" of such galleries. The solution is to use 3rd party JS solutions using Flickr API, like nanogallery. |
Study and try to improve live migration, esp. memory-copya project by fei_Shirley As live migration is widely used in many scenarios nowadays, spend one week time to study it and try to improve its efficiency, e.g. seamlessly migrate with less downgrading the guest. Another challenging part is memory migration, as it involves the dirty memory's detection, record and copy. |
Study and card QEMU work flow.a project by XGWang0 During testing virtualization , I usually met some issue and can not position the issue location (host or guest), so I would like to deeply learn QEMU code, card the work flow, understand communication mechanism between host and guest. |
Learn more about Docker and Goan idea by mitiao Learn Docker and Go by reading book of the source code analysis of docker. |
Learn Design Modela project by jtzhao Learning design model can help to produce high quality codes, which will benefit our products. |
Learn about Vim by reading a booka project by zoecao Learn Vim by reading book of Practical Vim |
study RISC-V proxy kernel and simulatera project by ArchLinux I'm planning to do some research about RV32E which has only 16 GPRs, but riscv-pk doesn't have RV32E support so that the RV32E aware GCC (https://github.com/kito-cheng/riscv-gcc/tree/riscv-next) cannot build riscv-pk. I'm going to study how the proxy kernel works so that I can do some modification to let it support RV32E. |
make some contributions for terraform-libvirtd-plugin golang projecta project by dmaiocchi since i am learning golang, i will make some contributions for the upstream project we used already @suse |
python yast + python kodi pluginan idea by npower python yastMy colleague David Mulder started a new version of python yast bindings, I've started to use it for some samba related stuff. However my python is poor, my yast UI knowledge is even poorer :-) I'd like to rewrite the ruby yast examples in python, that way I can hopefully learn a bit more about |
[Machine Learning] Chatbot that replicates the chatting style of a specific personan idea by mgebai This project is mostly for learning ML. |
study wayland - add weston support for multiple kms devicesan idea by vliaskovitis I now have a setup with 2 GPUs and want to try to make the reference wayland compositor weston to work on 2 GPUs. Weston currently only supports single kms devices with one or more outputs. Add support to Weston's DRM backend to open several KMS devices, with the ability to use outputs from all of them. |
Make Mokutil Beautiful Againa project by gary_lin I planned to write a GUI for mokutil since I started the project. I guess now it's time to do that. |
yast2-storage-ng: ensure the best layout is proposeda project by ancorgs The theory behind the partitioning proposal of yast2-storage-ng is that all possible distributions of partitions in the disk are evaluated and the best one, according to this criteria, is chosen. But I have found several examples in which is hard believe that the result is actually the optimal distribution of partitions. |
Major user input/output cleanup and improvement for ReaR 2.3a project by jsmeix I will implement the ReaR upstream issue https://github.com/rear/rear/issues/1399 |
Try SUSE Manageran invention by okurz ``` zypper ar -f http://dist.suse.de/install/SLP/SUSE-Manager-Server-3.1-GM/x86_64/DVD1/ suma3.1 |
Automated tests for jangouts using openQA and simulation of network limitationsan idea by okurz Idea |
perf bench epolla project by dbueso While there are plenty of benchmarks that compare different IO multiplexing techniques such as epoll vs poll/select, there's really nothing out there that particularly measures epoll system call latencies under different scenarios. Design and implement a series of performance benchmarks for this call under the 'perf bench' framework. |
Setup an ISCSI storage server which supports multipathan invention by lyan Setup an iscsi server on minnowboard/espressobin/odroid c2 based on opensuse tumbleweed, use two Nics to support multipath Setup an iscsi initiator on odroid c2 and dm |
Use LUKS UUID in /etc/crypttaban invention by aschnell The the LUKS UUID in /etc/crypttab. In general the file system UUID is already used in /etc/fstab. So using the LUKS UUID in /etc/crypttab is a small step towards consistency and should make the system more robust (e.g. avoid bugs like bsc #1063249). |
Add Xen PVH support to grub2a project by j_gross PVH domains are a new guest type supported by Xen being as lightweight as possible (e.g. no emulation of legacy devices via qemu) while taking advantage of the hardware virtualization features of the x86 processor. |
Exploring ZX Spectrum Next's new featuresa project by wstephenson Back in the day, I enjoyed coding on 8 bit machines, mostly MSX. There is now a Kickstarted project to create a successor machine with some new features: hardware sprites, hardware scrolling, better sound, integrated SD/MMC IO and an ESP8266 for networking. |
Implement ZSTD + BTRFS support to GRUB2an invention by dsterba The ZSTD is a new compression method, potential replacement for existing methods. The support has been added to linux 4.14, but the bootloader support is missing. |
Play with Travis and beta featuresan invention by szarate Build Stages |
Salt Minion Discoverya project by bmaryniuk What if Salt Minions no longer need to specify the IP or DNS address for the Master? Or even better: Master(s) can call minions. Of course, for the beginning, we would assume the network is trusted. But we should be able to add further security checks (keypairs etc). |
Encrypted installation mediaan idea by snwint Create encrypted installation media |