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11 months ago: joseivanlopez liked Port Agama's manager to Rust
11 months ago: joseivanlopez joined Port Agama's manager to Rust
about 2 years ago: joseivanlopez joined Adopt Typescript in D-Installer
over 2 years ago: joseivanlopez started Finish the Jangouts rewrite on React/Redux
over 3 years ago: joseivanlopez joined Sharing logic between desktop and web based applications through WASM
over 3 years ago: joseivanlopez liked Unified Config Management Tool (UCMT)
over 3 years ago: joseivanlopez joined Rust Bootcamp
about 6 years ago: joseivanlopez joined Learn Rust by writing an IRC bouncer
almost 7 years ago: joseivanlopez liked yast2-network clean up and start a new API design
almost 7 years ago: joseivanlopez started Play Crystal lang
almost 7 years ago: joseivanlopez originated Play Crystal lang
almost 7 years ago: joseivanlopez started Migrate to Tumbleweed as base system
almost 7 years ago: joseivanlopez originated Migrate to Tumbleweed as base system
almost 7 years ago: joseivanlopez liked Save and restore desktop window positions
almost 7 years ago: joseivanlopez joined Gran Canaria office: whiteboard, cubieboard and more
almost 7 years ago: joseivanlopez liked yast2-storage-ng: ensure the best layout is proposed
almost 7 years ago: joseivanlopez liked Gran Canaria office: whiteboard, cubieboard and more
almost 7 years ago: joseivanlopez started Y2Storage improve logging
almost 7 years ago: joseivanlopez liked Y2Storage improve logging
over 7 years ago: joseivanlopez started [yast] storage-ng improvements
over 7 years ago: joseivanlopez originated [yast] storage-ng improvements