currently hosts about 5TB of presentation recordings. The main mirrors send about 5TB of videos each in a single month. Several OpenSource conferences are hosted on media, like the last two openSUSE conference, or the "All Systems Go!" conference. What started as a web frontend for in 2007 has become a complex project that integrates deeply into the tooling used by the VOC team.
This project will refresh the main Rails app, used to render the frontend and provide the public and private APIs. The actual CDN is handled by mirrorbits, which also needs to be updated. If possible the configuration of the hosts should be replicated with Ansible, maybe one day turning pets into cattle. Finally evaluate if HA is possible, or how to implement cold standby, when we grow the number of CDN master nodes.
I'll be visiting the VOC geekend this weekend, to have more discussions about future goals and open issues. Help is always welcome, especially on the Rails app which is hosted at voc/voctoweb and can be tested in vagrant.
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Hack Week 16
over 7 years ago by dmolkentin | Reply
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