


Looking for projects around:

Nothing at the moment


  • over 4 years ago: bigironman joined openSUSE Leap release process improvements
  • over 4 years ago: bigironman liked openSUSE Leap release process improvements
  • over 4 years ago: bigironman started openSUSE for Android
  • over 4 years ago: bigironman liked openSUSE for Android
  • about 6 years ago: bigironman liked Securing EMail communication with hardware tokens (e.g. YubiKey)
  • about 6 years ago: bigironman started Securing EMail communication with hardware tokens (e.g. YubiKey)
  • about 6 years ago: bigironman originated Securing EMail communication with hardware tokens (e.g. YubiKey)
  • over 6 years ago: bigironman started Heart Rate Variabilty (HRV) evaluation with open source tools
  • over 6 years ago: bigironman originated Heart Rate Variabilty (HRV) evaluation with open source tools
  • over 7 years ago: bigironman liked openQA-butler - Application that offers a GUI for installing and configuring openQA and openQA workers.
  • almost 10 years ago: bigironman liked Biofeedback / Neuroscanner / Dreamanalyser
  • almost 10 years ago: bigironman liked Where has all the power gone ?
  • almost 10 years ago: bigironman liked Where has all the power gone ?
  • almost 10 years ago: bigironman joined Create the Draft/Concept doc for Studio 2.0
  • almost 10 years ago: bigironman liked SUSE Music(ian) Space
  • almost 10 years ago: bigironman liked Yoga in Space
  • almost 10 years ago: bigironman started Yoga in Space
  • almost 10 years ago: bigironman originated Yoga in Space
  • almost 10 years ago: bigironman started Where has all the power gone ?
  • almost 10 years ago: bigironman originated Where has all the power gone ?
  • almost 11 years ago: bigironman liked Hack the Hack Week tool
  • almost 11 years ago: bigironman liked ohai plugin for querying details like serial numbers from hard drives in chef-client nodes
  • almost 11 years ago: bigironman started ohai plugin for querying details like serial numbers from hard drives in chef-client nodes
  • almost 11 years ago: bigironman originated ohai plugin for querying details like serial numbers from hard drives in chef-client nodes