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4 months ago: zzhou added keyword "ha" to Expand the pacemaker/corosync3 cluster toward 100+ nodes
4 months ago: zzhou added keyword "pacemakercluster" to Expand the pacemaker/corosync3 cluster toward 100+ nodes
4 months ago: zzhou added keyword "corosync" to Expand the pacemaker/corosync3 cluster toward 100+ nodes
4 months ago: zzhou originated Expand the pacemaker/corosync3 cluster toward 100+ nodes
over 1 year ago: zzhou started Leverage containers to distribute NFS DRBD storage among pacemaker cluster nodes
over 1 year ago: zzhou removed keyword pacemakercluster from Leverage containers to distribute NFS DRBD storage among pacemaker cluster nodes
over 1 year ago: zzhou added keyword "ha" to Leverage containers to distribute NFS DRBD storage among pacemaker cluster nodes
over 1 year ago: zzhou added keyword "nfs" to Leverage containers to distribute NFS DRBD storage among pacemaker cluster nodes
over 1 year ago: zzhou added keyword "cluster" to Leverage containers to distribute NFS DRBD storage among pacemaker cluster nodes
over 1 year ago: zzhou added keyword "drbd" to Leverage containers to distribute NFS DRBD storage among pacemaker cluster nodes
over 1 year ago: zzhou added keyword "pacemakercluster" to Leverage containers to distribute NFS DRBD storage among pacemaker cluster nodes
over 1 year ago: zzhou liked Reverse Engineer a WiFi-enabled Water Heater and Create Integration for Home Assistant
over 1 year ago: zzhou liked Learn and play with HAKube
over 1 year ago: zzhou liked Tumbleweed on Orange Pi 5 Plus (Rockchip RK3588 board)
over 1 year ago: zzhou originated Leverage containers to distribute NFS DRBD storage among pacemaker cluster nodes
about 2 years ago: zzhou joined High Available NFS Cluster Concept
about 2 years ago: zzhou liked High Available NFS Cluster Concept
about 4 years ago: zzhou liked SUSE @home Hands On Lab
about 4 years ago: zzhou joined SUSE @home Hands On Lab
about 5 years ago: zzhou originated openSUSE Kubic Get Started
over 5 years ago: zzhou liked Summarize the tool chain I used to integrate office 365 mailbox.
over 5 years ago: zzhou liked Investigate Mycroft and the possibility of GNOME integration.
almost 6 years ago: zzhou started HA inside OpenStack VM ( SLE12SP3 code stream )
almost 6 years ago: zzhou liked Memo reminder (may not just a reminder)
almost 6 years ago: zzhou started File system block allocation algorithms comparison and analysis