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over 6 years ago: mitiao originated Continue learn about Docker and Go
over 7 years ago: mitiao joined Build a minetest server inside SUSE network
over 7 years ago: mitiao liked Build a minetest server inside SUSE network
over 7 years ago: mitiao originated Learn more about Docker and Go
about 8 years ago: mitiao originated Learn more about C programming
about 8 years ago: mitiao joined OTR (Off The Record) plugin development with libotr5 for encrypted chat
almost 9 years ago: mitiao liked Deploy mesos on SLE12
almost 9 years ago: mitiao started Deploy mesos on SLE12
almost 9 years ago: mitiao liked yakuake sessions save and restore by perl
over 9 years ago: mitiao liked PXEAT - A PXE management tool
over 9 years ago: mitiao originated yakuake sessions save and restore by perl
almost 10 years ago: mitiao liked virt-manager enhancement
almost 10 years ago: mitiao started virt-manager enhancement
over 10 years ago: mitiao liked Setup a jenkins server and made our ftp/http/pxe/slp server automated
over 10 years ago: mitiao started Setup a jenkins server and made our ftp/http/pxe/slp server automated