It's a pretty simple idea. Be able to deploy an SMT using Docker with minimum effort.

Basic Outline:

  • Research SMT dependencies
    • RPM dependencies
    • SCC Requirements
  • Build SMT in one large container w/ Dockerfile
    • Break down installation into smaller containers where possible

Bonus: docker-compose script

Bonus: Kubernetes manifest for CaaSP

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Hack Week 16


  • over 6 years ago: joachimwerner liked this project.
  • over 6 years ago: ikapelyukhin joined this project.
  • over 6 years ago: jsevans started this project.
  • over 6 years ago: jsevans originated this project.

  • Comments

    • ikapelyukhin
      over 6 years ago by ikapelyukhin | Reply

      We've got some SMT containers already: * For testing: * For use:

      Also, building containers for RMT instead of SMT would maybe make more sense.

      • jsevans
        over 6 years ago by jsevans | Reply

        I don't have any information on RMT, but I'll look into it. If anything, I'll fork the existing dockerfile git repo and start building a Kubernetes manifest for it for CaaSP.

        • ikapelyukhin
          over 6 years ago by ikapelyukhin | Reply

          RMT should supersede SMT in SLES15:

          In any case, let me know how it goes. Also feel free to reach out to me if you have questions about SMT/RMT.

    • jsevans
      over 6 years ago by jsevans | Reply

      Hackweek Notes:

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