almost 6 years
1 hackers ♥️.
I'm planning to do some research about RV32E which has only 16 GPRs, but riscv-pk doesn't have RV32E support so that the RV32E aware GCC (https://github.com/kito-cheng/riscv-gcc/tree/riscv-next) cannot build riscv-pk. I'm going to study how the proxy kernel works so that I can do some modification to let it support RV32E.
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Hack Week 16
over 7 years ago by a_faerber | Reply
Note that I've been packaging a RISC-V gcc based on our gcc7 here: home:a_faerber:riscv (It occasionally needs a pre_checkin.sh run to keep up with gcc7 tarball updates.)
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