Take care of my Debian packagesan invention by vcuadradojuan Take time this week to take care of the packages I maintain at Debian; open bugs, fix bugs, new upstream versions, enable testsuites in autopkgtest. |
Package Mycroft Core and the Mycroft Plasmoid for openSUSEan invention by alarrosa Mycroft is an open source artificial intelligence platform (an open source assistant) and has very nice demos like: Mycroft Plasmoid Version 2.0 and Akademy 2017 presentation (this one starts around 2:30) . |
package mediagoblinan invention by mstrigl From the mediagoblin.org website: |
RMT: repository mirroring toolan invention by ikapelyukhin The project |
Upstream support for SGI Octanean invention by tsbogend Patches for supporting SGI Octanes are floating around since ages. The latest version is against v4.10. I've talked to Ralf Baechle (MIPS kernel maintainer) and he is willing to take patches from me... so I have to provide them... and this what this project is for:-) |
SMT in a Containeran invention by jsevans It's a pretty simple idea. Be able to deploy an SMT using Docker with minimum effort. |
Learn (machine) learningan invention by mwilck I'd like to gain practical knowledge about machine learning / TensorFlow / scikit by trying out simple examples. |
Do some 3D printingan invention by aschnell Do some 3D printing incluing designing the object. |
integrate rabbitmq into obsbugzillaan invention by bmwiedemann OBS started distributing live events through a rabbitmq and Bernhard's obsbugzilla scripts can use that as an additional source to update bugzilla with reduced and more uniform delays, e.g. within 30 minutes of the last SR relating to a given bug. |
create a kernle module monitor basic information in disk/driver IOan invention by jerrytang I'v been doing the testing on device mapper, once there are some regression it's very hard to debug without block-layer knowledge. |
Experiment with WeKanan invention by RBrownSUSE While I despise Trello, I quite like the idea of using a Kanban board to organise my individual work and much of my personal projects |
Give a shot at photogrammetryan invention by ikapelyukhin Results: |
Try SUSE Manageran invention by okurz ``` zypper ar -f http://dist.suse.de/install/SLP/SUSE-Manager-Server-3.1-GM/x86_64/DVD1/ suma3.1 |
setup own docker container scriptsan invention by okurz need to learn more about containers |
openSUSE/SUSE branding for "remark"an invention by okurz motivationI like light weight presentation frameworks based on plain text files. There are quite some frameworks using the browser for presenting but many require a full blown web server. remark seems to be about the lightest I could find. I could make actual use of it when there would be openSUSE(/SUSE) branding. |
golang refactoring! usefull linksan invention by dmaiocchi moin, i am looking for interesting articles that describe how to refactor/maintain golang code. |
Learning & using Tensorflow to estimate patch installation times on SUSE Manageran invention by PSuarezHernandez Introduction |