a project by lslezak
Nothing at the moment
3 months ago: lslezak liked YQPkg - Bringing the Single Package Selection Back to Life
4 months ago: lslezak started Agama installer on-line demo
4 months ago: lslezak added keyword "javascript" to Agama installer on-line demo
4 months ago: lslezak added keyword "react" to Agama installer on-line demo
4 months ago: lslezak added keyword "reactjs" to Agama installer on-line demo
4 months ago: lslezak added keyword "rust" to Agama installer on-line demo
4 months ago: lslezak added keyword "agama" to Agama installer on-line demo
4 months ago: lslezak originated Agama installer on-line demo
over 2 years ago: lslezak added keyword "ruby" to YaST log grouping, better visualization of the log
over 2 years ago: lslezak added keyword "html" to YaST log grouping, better visualization of the log
over 2 years ago: lslezak added keyword "javascript" to YaST log grouping, better visualization of the log
over 2 years ago: lslezak added keyword "css" to YaST log grouping, better visualization of the log
over 2 years ago: lslezak started YaST log grouping, better visualization of the log
over 2 years ago: lslezak originated YaST log grouping, better visualization of the log
about 5 years ago: lslezak started Include the libyui-rest-api packages in the installation system
about 5 years ago: lslezak added keyword "libyui" to Include the libyui-rest-api packages in the installation system
about 5 years ago: lslezak added keyword "rest" to Include the libyui-rest-api packages in the installation system
about 5 years ago: lslezak added keyword "installation" to Include the libyui-rest-api packages in the installation system
about 5 years ago: lslezak added keyword "installation-images" to Include the libyui-rest-api packages in the installation system
about 5 years ago: lslezak removed keyword libyuirestinstallation-images from Include the libyui-rest-api packages in the installation system
about 5 years ago: lslezak added keyword "libyuirestinstallation-images" to Include the libyui-rest-api packages in the installation system
about 5 years ago: lslezak originated Include the libyui-rest-api packages in the installation system
over 7 years ago: lslezak liked Write SUSE engineering blog posts
over 7 years ago: lslezak added keyword "ruby" to The Team Dashboard Web Application
over 7 years ago: lslezak added keyword "docker" to The Team Dashboard Web Application