Get the new SUSE Floor ready to use!a project by rsalevsky The new SUSE Floor is nearly done. The core functionality is already implemented and only some basic features are left. |
Merge hermes into OBS APIa project by coolo After the next thing to merge is hermes. |
YaST module for IRSTa project by mlin7442 Intel Rapid Start Technology(IRST) is a firmware mechanism enables your system to get up and running faster from sleep, saving time and power consumption, it will cause the system to wake up from S3 and suspend to S4(with SSD)[1]. Currently kernel 3.11 already support it[2], however there haven't a graphic tool to control its wakeup event and timeout, like as similar tool on Windows[3]. This Hackweek I'll create a YaST module to handle those parameters. |
Jabber server side historya project by -miska- Finish extension for server side history for jabberd2 server and create a simple webui to browse it using tntnet. Part of the project is to learn to use tntnet toolkit, other part is to have server side history. |
Achieve world domination.a project by bgerhard The goal of my project is to achieve total world domination. == Hell, yeah! |
Integrate xfstests with qa_automationa project by jankara xfstests is rather comprehensive filesystem testing framework used for functional filesystem testing. The aim of this project is to integrate xfstests with our qa_automation framework so that xfstests can be run in it and results are automatically processed and stored in qadb. |
Enable >256 vcpus for KVM guestsa project by bfrogers Although there isn't much demand right now, it won't be long before >256 vcpus in a KVM guest will be desired. Currently, due to 8 bit apic ids only being used the limit is 256. Implement the x2apic infrastructure that will allow QEMU + KVM to break the 256 vcpu barrier. |
KVM S3 and S4 handling in SLES and openSUSEa project by bfrogers There are issues with S3 and S4 handling in a KVM SLES or openSUSE guest. I'd like to figure out what's going wrong and get things fixed as much as possible. |
OmegaT automatic glossary insertiona project by vdziewiecki I want to continue my work on this feature for a CAT (Computer Aided Translation) program, OmegaT. When translating a segment (usually a sentence), I would like OmegaT to automatically replace all words it finds in an active glossary by their translations. This will save the translator some time. |
Learning Gosu - 2D game development library (with ruby bindings)a project by digitaltomm Links: |
Chef Cookbook Attributes file documentation parsera project by iartarisi Write a tool to generate documentation ( from chef cookbook attributes files including the comments that describe the attributes. The goal is to use this with the openstack chef cookbooks from and maybe integrate it the upstream Gerrit as a Jenkins job. |
Reduce the number of builds in the openSUSE Build Servicea project by dmuhamedagic In case any of the source files changed, openSUSE Build Service rebuilds the dependent packages regardless of whether that particular modification affects the dependency. This makes our resources footprint bigger (and the electrical power bills higher). It also affects users, because every new package build causes the package manager to include that package in the next update thus consuming network bandwidth and resources of users' computers. |
Create bi-lingual ebooksan idea by snwint Write a tool to create bi-lingual ebooks. |
evfilter improvementa project by ehamera The evfilter project ( isn't able to substitute multiple events to one event or vice versa. I want to improve that and repair some other bugs. |
studio-appliance-editora project by bear454 Build an open-source appliance editor for SUSE Studio that interacts only with the API, using modern JS web frameworks. |
Try another OS (or distro)a project by bear454 Feeling very comfortable with your (open)SUSE desktop? Don't get too comfortable; there's a lot of innovation out there. Try living in a different system for a few days, and see if you can find some innovative paradigms to bring back 'home' with you. Here's a few suggestions: |
pyg: PEG parsing runtime for Pythona project by rneuhauser pyg will be a PEG parser library formed as an internal Python DSL. it will be used in cramex, a copycat of cram with expect support. |
REST API for QADBa project by llipavsky QADB is the database used to strore results of automated tests in SUSE QA. |
CodeAdoptera project by kalabiyau Initial idea to build a tool to help rubygems community to rotate maintainers for abandoned projects. |
Learn how to write 'Learn Language App'a project by kalabiyau The basic idea behind learning language is to ensure three parts: |
fontinfoan idea by pgajdos
Podcast Studioa project by KGronlund I've been running a podcast together with two friends for over a year now. We have a recording and mixing process going, but unfortunately it involves using non-free operating systems and software all the way through. |
Extend iso_codean idea by tboerger I would like to extend my existing gem isocode ( Currently it translates all available countries and languages into multiple languages. I plan to integrate more ISO specifications like scriptnames, subdevisions and currencies. |
Finalize geozip geman idea by tboerger I have started many months ago a project named geozip ( and i would like to finalize it. I want to parse openstreetmap files and generate polygon geo coordinates for zip codes. After processing it should be exported to multiple file formats to get them imported into databases for various projects. |