I want to experiment with three things:
- Blockchain
- The Pony programming language
- Dropbox replacement
File sharing is a constant thorn in my side. I like syncthing, but its interface is too cumbersome for me, and it uses too much CPU for my liking. I want to have something which is as close to zeroconf as possible, has a stable protocol, is portable and efficient.
I want to use Pony mainly because I am curious about the language ideas and want to learn more about it.
My plan is to have a protocol which uses hashed blocks of encrypted data as the transport medium, and a DHT for locating peers.
Ideally, it should just work: Install the software, add a share via hash + local directory to mirror to, done.
Looking for hackers with the skills:
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Hack Week 16
over 7 years ago by KGronlund | Reply
Oh hey, I didn't see that there were comments here.
Duncan: Yes, in the same spirit as syncthing. Syncthing is what I actually use for "production".
Nick: The idea has two parts:
to store and distribute data as blocks linked with hashes. This is what git does for example, and it is similar to bittorrent. Mostly inspired by IPFS: ipfs.io. The benefit is that data can come from any other node that happens to have that data.
Maintain the meta-data index of files and directories as a chain of hashed blocks as well.
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