

Understand and maybe implement optimal solution finder for Rubik's Cube using IDA* algorithm

an invention by aschnell

The Rubik's Cube celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. The goal of this hackweek project is to understand the IDA* (the star is part

Updated 3 months ago. 2 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

Looking for projects around:

c++ python


  • 3 months ago: aschnell liked Understand and maybe implement optimal solution finder for Rubik's Cube using IDA* algorithm
  • 3 months ago: aschnell added keyword "ida*" to Understand and maybe implement optimal solution finder for Rubik's Cube using IDA* algorithm
  • 3 months ago: aschnell added keyword "puzzle" to Understand and maybe implement optimal solution finder for Rubik's Cube using IDA* algorithm
  • 3 months ago: aschnell added keyword "rubik" to Understand and maybe implement optimal solution finder for Rubik's Cube using IDA* algorithm
  • 3 months ago: aschnell started Understand and maybe implement optimal solution finder for Rubik's Cube using IDA* algorithm
  • 3 months ago: aschnell originated Understand and maybe implement optimal solution finder for Rubik's Cube using IDA* algorithm
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