a project by hennevogel
Release v2.0 of the gem and dashboards
about 2 hours ago: hennevogel added keyword "obs" to Bootstrap openSUSE on LoongArch
about 3 hours ago: hennevogel added keyword "obs" to Switch software-o-o to parse repomd data
about 3 hours ago: hennevogel liked Use local LLM for geeko search
about 3 hours ago: hennevogel liked Sustainable/efficient use of hardware in datacenters
about 3 hours ago: hennevogel added keyword "obs" to Implement a full OBS api client in Rust
about 3 hours ago: hennevogel added keyword "obs" to Learn about OSB and contribute to `kustomize` and `k9s` packages to add ARM arch
about 3 hours ago: hennevogel added keyword "openqa" to Setup a new openQA on more powerful server
about 3 hours ago: hennevogel added keyword "obs" to Learn obs/ibs sync tool
about 3 hours ago: hennevogel added keyword "openqa" to Learn obs/ibs sync tool
about 3 hours ago: hennevogel added keyword "openqa" to Enhance UV openQA helper script
about 3 hours ago: hennevogel added keyword "obs" to Git CI to automate the creation of product definition
about 3 hours ago: hennevogel added keyword "packaging" to Packaging Mu on OBS
about 3 hours ago: hennevogel added keyword "obs" to New features in openqa-trigger-from-obs for openQA
about 3 hours ago: hennevogel added keyword "openqa" to New features in openqa-trigger-from-obs for openQA
about 3 hours ago: hennevogel liked OIDC Loginproxy
about 3 hours ago: hennevogel added keyword "obs" to Automation of ABI compatibility checks
about 3 hours ago: hennevogel added keyword "obs" to Research openqa-trigger-from-obs and openqa-trigger-from-ibs-plugin
about 3 hours ago: hennevogel liked Modernize SCC Customer Management
about 23 hours ago: hennevogel left Switch software-o-o to parse repomd data
16 days ago: hennevogel liked Implement a full OBS api client in Rust
16 days ago: hennevogel liked Automation for Measuring and Recording Integration Pipeline
16 days ago: hennevogel liked Learn about OSB and contribute to `kustomize` and `k9s` packages to add ARM arch
16 days ago: hennevogel liked Learn obs/ibs sync tool
11 months ago: hennevogel liked Support for OVA build in OBS and better support for vmdk disks in kiwi
11 months ago: hennevogel liked Delve into softweare-o-o