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11 months ago: michals originated Try openSUSE on MNT Reform (LS1028A)
over 1 year ago: michals added keyword "networking" to unbound resolvconf
over 1 year ago: michals started unbound resolvconf
over 1 year ago: michals originated unbound resolvconf
over 3 years ago: michals liked Near-zero downtime upgrades for stateful services with Rancher
over 3 years ago: michals liked SUSE @home Hands On Lab
over 3 years ago: michals started Support Pinebook Pro in openSUSE
over 3 years ago: michals liked MicroOS Desktop
over 4 years ago: michals originated Support Pinebook Pro in openSUSE
over 6 years ago: michals liked Try some funny Wireless Display Software for openSUSE
over 6 years ago: michals liked gfxboot for grub2
over 6 years ago: michals liked openSUSE package of Waterfox
over 6 years ago: michals liked Explore replacements for genksyms/modversions for kabi checks
over 6 years ago: michals liked Better support for Chromebooks
almost 7 years ago: michals added keyword "arduino" to fun hardware peripherials
almost 7 years ago: michals added keyword "atmega" to fun hardware peripherials
almost 7 years ago: michals disliked buit: fancy ultra fast mail client or "my local gmail"
almost 7 years ago: michals liked buit: fancy ultra fast mail client or "my local gmail"
almost 7 years ago: michals liked openSUSE on chromebooks (crouton)
almost 7 years ago: michals liked openSUSE/SLE/Mainline U-boot for some not-yet-supported ARM64 boards
almost 7 years ago: michals liked Upstreaming of mediatek helios board
almost 7 years ago: michals liked Upstream support for SGI Octane
almost 7 years ago: michals liked Play with as replacement for IRC
almost 7 years ago: michals liked Reanimate djmount
almost 7 years ago: michals liked openQA IDE