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over 1 year ago: fsundermeyer liked Create doc-kit for Smart Docs
over 1 year ago: fsundermeyer liked Integrating terminology into Vale
over 2 years ago: fsundermeyer joined EVERYONE can contribute to documentation – See how YOU can join the party
over 7 years ago: fsundermeyer added keyword "gnumake" to Add ASCIIDOC support to DAPS
over 7 years ago: fsundermeyer added keyword "bash" to Add ASCIIDOC support to DAPS
over 7 years ago: fsundermeyer added keyword "xslt" to Add ASCIIDOC support to DAPS
over 7 years ago: fsundermeyer started Add ASCIIDOC support to DAPS
over 7 years ago: fsundermeyer originated Add ASCIIDOC support to DAPS
over 7 years ago: fsundermeyer joined Research/Development: `Doc as Code` Using Asciidoctor, Jekyll, gh-pages, TravisCI, Bootstrap v4 and any Additional Tech Discovered Along the Way
almost 9 years ago: fsundermeyer added keyword "make" to Add branding to DAPS and the suse-xsl-stylesheets
almost 9 years ago: fsundermeyer removed keyword gnumake from Add branding to DAPS and the suse-xsl-stylesheets
almost 9 years ago: fsundermeyer added keyword "gnumake" to Add branding to DAPS and the suse-xsl-stylesheets
almost 9 years ago: fsundermeyer added keyword "xslt" to Add branding to DAPS and the suse-xsl-stylesheets
almost 9 years ago: fsundermeyer removed keyword makexslt from Add branding to DAPS and the suse-xsl-stylesheets
almost 9 years ago: fsundermeyer added keyword "bash" to Add branding to DAPS and the suse-xsl-stylesheets
almost 9 years ago: fsundermeyer added keyword "makexslt" to Add branding to DAPS and the suse-xsl-stylesheets
over 9 years ago: fsundermeyer started Add branding to DAPS and the suse-xsl-stylesheets
over 9 years ago: fsundermeyer originated Add branding to DAPS and the suse-xsl-stylesheets
over 10 years ago: fsundermeyer started Release DAPS 2.0
over 10 years ago: fsundermeyer added keyword "bash" to Release DAPS 2.0
over 10 years ago: fsundermeyer added keyword "gnumake" to Release DAPS 2.0
over 10 years ago: fsundermeyer added keyword "xslt" to Release DAPS 2.0
over 10 years ago: fsundermeyer originated Release DAPS 2.0
over 11 years ago: fsundermeyer started Write test cases for DAPS
over 11 years ago: fsundermeyer originated Write test cases for DAPS