Create encrypted installation media

  • You're still carrying around your precious autoyast config files on an unencrypted usb stick?
  • You have a customized installation image that could reveal lots of personal details?
  • You use ad blockers, private browser tabs, or even tor but still carry around your install or rescue images unencrypted for everyone to see?

Not any longer!

mksusecd can now (well, once this pull request has been merged) create fully encrypted install media.

But you can get the latest mksusecd-1.54 already to try it out!

It's as easy as

mksusecd -c crypto.img --crypto --password=xxx some_tumbleweed.iso

- then dd the image to your usb stick.

But if your tumbleweed or sle/leap 15 install media are a bit old (well, as of now they are) check the 'Crypto notes' in mksusecd --help first!

This is how the first screen looks then

new installation media startup screen

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  • over 7 years ago: ralfflaxa liked this project.
  • over 7 years ago: snwint originated this project.

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