The goal is to create a set of YAML files describing L3 supported products with all metadata we need to store there - and a JS presentation layer automatically showing this data in several forms, one of them will be a part of our L3 documentation.
Technology: HandleBars.js or similar, plus some YAML technology
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over 7 years ago by mvancura | Reply
There is an Example you may test. In the HTML page directory you can see there is just the page itself, the input YAML file and two JavaScript libraries. No database is needed, the one input file is enough. This file is in the text format readable and writable by both humans and machines, may be placed into a git repository for version control.
All frontends can use this same data file for different purposes at the same time - it can be read as a configuration file of PTFUtils, for example, and at the same time different HTML pages showing different parts of data in different forms may be set - with no extra service needed, no PHP at webserver, no need to convert the data to different formats at server side at all. Everything is done automatically in the client's browser. The example HTML page shows this: there are three different views defined, you can select it by clicking on top buttons, even more times...
Of course, another topic is how to maintain the data file. To allow a cooperation of both SW and people. You can see some keys there are expected to be handled by SW (from Clarity etc.) and some of them are definitely manually set (personal notes).
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