Learn Rust by porting pvctrl.an idea by kallan DescriptionI have a Win32 command line utility that is written in C that I would like to port to Rust. |
Kondoizer 2.0an idea by epromislow Description |
Create an Android app for Syncthing as part of the Syncthing Tray projecta project by mkittler DescriptionThere's already an app but code/features already in Syncthing Tray could be reused to create a nicer app with additional features like managing ignore patterns more easily. The additional UI code for the app could then in turn be re-used by other parts of Syncthing Tray, e.g. to implement further steps in the wizard as requested by some users. This way one "UI wrapper codebase" could serve GNU/Linux, Windows and Android (and in theory MacOS) at the same time which is kind of neat. |
fix forever waiting time for notification between UEFI firmware and shim when sending http request or receiving http responsean idea by dtseng DescriptionCurrent shim makes use of the forever wait to get the response from firmware which means it assumes firmware will always correctly get the notification of what he wants, like this: |
Implement a full OBS api client in Rusta project by nbelouin DescriptionI recently started to work on tooling for OBS using rust, to do so I started a Rust create to interact with OBS API, I only implemented a few routes/resources for what I needed. |
MicroOS/SL Micro health-checks for K3s/RKE2a project by eminguez Description |
learn about android virtualisationa project by AngelaBriel Descriptionandroid virtualization on top of linux |
Contributing to Linux Kernel securityan idea by pperego Description |
Implement a CLI tool for Trento - trentoctla project by nkopliku DescriptionImplement a |
Revive Garmin Podcastsa project by agraul Description> Garmin Podcasts is a Garmin Connect IQ podcast app powered by Podcast Index. No external service or subscription required: all you need is you watch! |
Improve Development Environment on Uyunia project by mbussolotto DescriptionCurrently create a dev environment on Uyuni might be complicated. The steps are: |
toptop - a top clone written in Goa project by dshah Description
CVE portal for SUSE Rancher productsa project by gmacedo Description |
Train generative AI with internal knowledge to answer questions related to code/architecture/hr etc.a project by rosblendido DescriptionUse the internal documentation (wiki, confluence, etc.) to train AI to be able to answer questions from developers about product architecture, hr, it, etc. |
Harvester Packer Plugina project by mrohrich DescriptionHashicorp Packer is an automation tool that allows automatic customized VM image builds - assuming the user has a virtualization tool at their disposal. To make use of Harvester as such a virtualization tool a plugin for Packer needs to be written. With this plugin users could make use of their Harvester cluster to build customized VM images, something they likely want to do if they have a Harvester cluster. |
Learn Ca project by jsuriano DescriptionI have several future learning goals which require being proficient in C. I'd like to have this HackWeek as an opportunity to get better at the language and understand some of its advanced features like memory management and multithreading. |
Two part 1) work on SLMicro YES Cert documentation and 2) learn about SUSE Edgean idea by Jackman1 The documentation for YES certification needs improvements to flow better. I'm want to learn about SUSE Edge products to further my knowledge. |
drgn for kernel core analysisa project by tabraham1 Descriptiondrgn as a programmable debugger can be useful for kernel core analysis |
Create SUSE Manager users from ldap/ad groupsa project by mbrookhuis DescriptionThis tool is used to create users in SUSE Manager Server based on LDAP/AD groups. For each LDAP/AD group a role within SUSE Manager Server is defined. |
Learning frontend dev (Vue3 mostly)a project by cxiong DescriptionI started in Desktop team at SUSE. It's been a long while since I coded in any JS and much has changed. I wanted to pick up some and acquire some knowledge for hacking on some apps I've come to use often recently (e.g. FreeTube) |
[Agama] Investigate to shorten s390x URL on O3 to avoid character limita project by leli DescriptionThere is a character limit of <=80 characters in s390x, for OSD we workaround this problem using a url shortener, like http://s.qa.suse.de/ but we don't have anything equivalent for O3. Some colleagues recommended https://v.gd/ but some initial test showed that cannot shorten ftp urls. |
Practice MLperf benchmark for AI testing purposean idea by cachen DescriptionI would like to take this hackweek to learn and play MLperf benchmark on openSUSE or SLES or SLMicro, by following the guidance in https://confluence.suse.com/display/qasleapac2/MLperf+benchmark+intro |
Query Topology over Timea project by fvanlankvelt DescriptionThe Topology in SUSE Observability describes how the different components in a system interact with each other. It is maintained with history, so can be reconstructed at any point in the past. |
Learn Linux kernel code and play with a early versionan idea by renxt0310 DescriptionI am learning Linux kernel for some time. In order to understand how kernel works, I read the code based on version 0.12 and do some hands on in VM. I will continue and hope understand more in the concentrated time of hackweek. |
Decouple topology data from User Settings in the StackState (SUSE Observability) platforma project by bschuur Description |
Evaluate and document two out of three nodes lost for K3s / RKE2 and Harvestera project by mweiss2 DescriptionNeed to find out what the impact is for loosing quorum and recovery from this situation in case of K3s / RKE2 and Harvester. |
Testing and automating containerized Firefox KIOSKan idea by GraceWang DescriptionTest the containerized Firefox KIOSK |
Learn about Rust, and possibly do something with the help of copilota project by XinLiang DescriptionI am completely new to Rust, but I'm interested in learning it. |
Sustainable/efficient use of hardware in datacentersan idea by okurz MotivationWe have many machines and server hardware in our SUSE datacenters meaning physical hardware using electrical power. |
SUSE KVM Best Practicesa project by roseswe DescriptionSUSE Best Practices around KVM, especially for SAP workloads. Early Google presentation already made from various customer projects and SUSE sources. |
Mario Builder 64an idea by rovertronic Project Description |
Small healthcheck tool for Longhorna project by mbrookhuis |
Calendar TUI with GCal supporta project by malikirri |
Update my own python audio and video time-lapse and motion capture apps and publisha project by dmair Project Description |
FizzBuzz OSa project by mssola Project Description |
Kanidm: A safe and modern IDM systeman idea by firstyear Kanidm is an IDM system written in Rust for modern systems authentication. The github repo has a detailed "getting started" on the readme. |
Enhance remote and in office social relationshipa project by baldarn |
WanderTracean idea by aporta |
D-Bus Translatoran idea by mvidner Project Description |
Nodes Overviewan idea by lrangasamy |
k8s deployment in KVM / VMware via Terraform and Kubesprayan idea by pdostal Project Description |
Create language model based on Uyuni documentationan idea by nadvornik |
Protestware - Ethical Considerations of Protest within Opensouce Software Communitiesan idea by etchubykalo |
Philosophy of Computer Science (in short 'PhoCS' or phonetically 'Fox')a project by awh |
Integration weather sensors on my Allsky camera - raspberry projectan idea by martinsmac Project Description |
COOTWbota project by ngetahun |
Split initramfs supporta project by ismaell Project DescriptionMany |
solar monitor (part 2)an idea by npower Project Description |
Delve into softweare-o-oa project by mlin7442 |
A frameblending filter for OBS Studio well-suited to do game streaminga project by mschreiner Project Description |
Support for OVA build in OBS and better support for vmdk disks in kiwia project by gmoro Project DescriptionImplement support for OVA as output for kiwi build in OBS using hooks and open-vmdk |
Embedding a Next.Js React application into Go binarya project by jsantos |
Network Throughput Analyzer Tool with Grafana Integrationan idea by sushilhiremath |
Create better async hooks for Uyuni state managementa project by Etheryte |
Creating a MicroOS flavor with Hyprland as a Wayland Compositora project by c-hagenest Project Description |
Elixir LiveView clone of Etherpad (running on ALP)a project by socon Project DescriptionEtherpad (etherpad.org) is a nice solution to share documentation online, with many plugins and capabilities to scale out. |
Dawnscanner: parsing a simple sinatra applicationan idea by pperego |
Learn traffic controla project by jiriwiesner Project DescriptionI need to learn how queueing disciplines work. I need to learn how to use the /usr/sbin/tc tool to change traffic control settings. This is a do-it-yourself project. I do not offer nor require assistance. |
Try openSUSE on MNT Reform (LS1028A)an idea by michals |
Show Hyperlink on Mouse Double Click or Selectiona project by rcai |
Message Based Service Package in Pythona project by seanmarlow Project Description |
Modify initramfs to allow unlocking encrypted disk, autologin and password manager with only one password prompta project by tlebreux |
Reverse engineer BLE protocol of led lighta project by lnussel Project Description |
TinyTutor - an AI chat-bot powered children's tutora project by dmulder |
Implement a self-servicable Trello replacement in Jiraa project by jplack |
Adapt Bootstrap code in OBS to support theminga project by enavarro_suse Project Description |
Improve database_cleaner.rb script in OBSan idea by enavarro_suse Project Description |
WebGL Game ⚽a project by jarodriguez Project Description |
React Native Todo App with Self-hosted Elixir Backenda project by Servus007 Overview: We're building a mobile to-do list app using React Native and connecting it to a self-hosted Elixir backend. This project aims to create a user-friendly, cross-platform app for task management, with data syncing across devices. |
Talisman, an ActivityPub powered recipe managenent softwarean idea by alessio.biancalana Project DescriptionI've been hacking on this Elixir project for a while and it's time to make it go on fire! |
toniowma project by fabriziosestito toniowm is yet another window manager written in Rust. |
Yearly Quality Engineering Ask me Anything - AMA for not-engineeringa project by szarate GoalGet a closer look at how developers work on the Engineering team (R & D) of SUSE, and close the collaboration gap between GSI and Engineering |
ESP32 based christmas lightsan idea by alarrosa |
opensuse-redir-cachean idea by bmwiedemann |
Voice in HomeAssistanta project by oholecek |
Automated testing of OpenSSL master brancha project by ohollmann |
Logs and journal visualization in Trentoan idea by xarbulu Project Description |
Recipes catalog and calculator in Rails 8a project by gfilippetti |
ESP32 Meteostationa project by emiler Project Description |
Use TPM2 Policynv to validate sealed key to prevent downgrade attacka project by michael-chang |
Yubikey support in GRUB2a project by gary_lin |
A command line image collector tool for my gallery websitea project by AZhou |
terraform-provider-feilonga project by e_bischoff Project Description |
80-bit floats support on x86_64 for Valgrinda project by mfranc |
Grab precise changes in log file/s between system eventsa project by smhalas |
Waysettingsa project by dspinella |
Learning topics in Lithmos and Linkedinan idea by mdati Project Description |
A Flight Dynamics Library written in Rust with an Entity Component System architecturea project by vcuadradojuan |
Installation server setup utility - continueda project by csalmond Project Description |