
Update, live at: Source at:

Rancher provides a lot of awesome technologies such as RKE2/K3s, Rancher Prime, etc. The SUSE Edge product is based on a few of those components and specific versions of those components are tested on the Edge Stack Validation.

Wouldn't be great to know "What's next on SUSE Edge?"


Have a way (script) to know the current/latest/bleeding edge (pun intended) versions of those components to see what's coming in SUSE Edge.

It would be nice to have outputs in different formats such as json or bash variables with a flag, like:

``` $ versions -f vars RANCHERLATESTVERSION="2.9.1" K3SLATESTVERSION="v1.30.X-k3s1" ...

$ versions -f json { "rancherlatestversion": "2.9.1", "k3slatestversion": "v1.30.X-k3s1", ... }



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  • 4 months ago: eminguez liked this project.
  • 4 months ago: fdegirmenci liked this project.
  • 4 months ago: eminguez started this project.
  • 4 months ago: eminguez originated this project.

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