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10 months ago: mvidner added keyword "d-bus" to D-Bus Translator
10 months ago: mvidner originated D-Bus Translator
11 months ago: mvidner liked Port Agama's manager to Rust
11 months ago: mvidner liked Relm4-based user interface for Agama
11 months ago: mvidner liked Agama Minimal Live Image
about 2 years ago: mvidner joined Finish the Jangouts rewrite on React/Redux
about 2 years ago: mvidner liked Extend GObject based introspectable API to libzypp
over 3 years ago: mvidner joined Rust Bootcamp
over 3 years ago: mvidner liked Bonus project: Chameleon paintings
over 3 years ago: mvidner liked Sharing logic between desktop and web based applications through WASM
over 4 years ago: mvidner liked Learn Crystal by porting part of YaST to that language
over 4 years ago: mvidner liked Rewrite transactional-update in C++
over 4 years ago: mvidner liked Port MicroOS to the Gameshell from Clockwork Pi
over 4 years ago: mvidner liked Bot to check new gems in the bundle for maintainability
over 4 years ago: mvidner liked Migration of Pology to Python3
over 4 years ago: mvidner liked Advanced online payment app for desktop
over 4 years ago: mvidner liked xdg-utils python rewrite
about 5 years ago: mvidner started Type Check YaST with Sorbet
about 5 years ago: mvidner originated Type Check YaST with Sorbet
about 5 years ago: mvidner left Ruby Gem: Open Build Service API
about 5 years ago: mvidner added keyword "ruby" to Ruby Gem: Open Build Service API
about 5 years ago: mvidner added keyword "obs" to Ruby Gem: Open Build Service API
about 5 years ago: mvidner started Ruby Gem: Open Build Service API