a project by bschuur
A long time ago, in a country far away, StackState was founded as a tool for manually modelling the topology of the IT landscape. A tightly coupled data model was designed to support this use-case.
Currently all topology data is ingested through an ingestion pipeline, which is connected to manual user-provided settings. This creates problems when removing/changing user settings because all automatic synchronized data needs to be changed removed.
The platform is slowly moving to decoupling user settings from synchronization data. Goal of this hackweek project is to finalize that decoupling and put a nail in the coffin of this old design.
This will allow for faster removal/changing of user settings or even allow that at all.
This project is very StackState heavy so requires StackState backend engineers for productivity, but anyone is welcome to jojn to get to learn the codebase through this excersise.
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This project is part of:
Hack Week 24
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