
TUIs (Textual User Interface) are a big classic of our daily workflow. Many linux users 'live' in the terminal and modern implementations have a lot to offer : unicode fonts, 24 bit colors etc.


  • Explore the current available solution on modern languages and implement a PoC , for example a small maze generator, porting of a classic game or just display the HackWeek cute logo.
  • Practice some Go / Rust coding and programming patterns
  • Fiddle around, hack, learn, have fun
  • keep a development diary, practice on project documentation

Follow this link for source code repository

Some ideas for inspiration:

Related projects:


Looking for hackers with the skills:

golang go terminal

This project is part of:

Hack Week 24


  • about 1 month ago: amanzini added keyword "golang" to this project.
  • about 1 month ago: amanzini added keyword "go" to this project.
  • about 1 month ago: amanzini added keyword "terminal" to this project.
  • about 1 month ago: emiler liked this project.
  • about 1 month ago: amanzini liked this project.
  • about 2 months ago: livdywan liked this project.
  • about 2 months ago: frantisek.simorda liked this project.
  • about 2 months ago: ninopaparo liked this project.
  • about 2 months ago: eminguez liked this project.
  • about 2 months ago: wfrisch liked this project.
  • 2 months ago: gleidi liked this project.
  • 2 months ago: ancorgs liked this project.
  • 3 months ago: amanzini started this project.
  • 3 months ago: amanzini originated this project.

  • Comments

    • amanzini
      about 1 month ago by amanzini | Reply

      A small retrospective: this year I had quite a fun time, which was the main purpose of the project; I refreshed some Go programming and maze generation - solving algorithms ; learned about the ELM Architecture as well. Documented day by day and published video/screens of the work, also keeping a simple development diary. I consider the project finished, even it's still missing to explore the Rust options so any contribution is welcome add-emoji

    Similar Projects

    Dartboard TUI by IValentin


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    • Define a "Dart" config file as YAML which defines the various components to be created/setup when Dartboard runs its commands
    • Spin up infrastructure utilizing opentofu/terraform providers
    • Setup K3s or RKE2 clusters on the newly created infrastructure
    • Deploy Rancher (with or without downstream cluster), rancher-monitoring (Grafana + Prometheus)
    • Create resources in-bulk within the newly created Rancher cluster (ConfigMaps, Secrets, Users, Roles, etc.)
    • Run various performance and scalability tests via k6
    • Export/Import various tracked metrics (WIP)

    Given all these features (and the features to come), it can be difficult to onboard and transfer knowledge of the tool. With a TUI, Dartboard's usage complexity can be greatly reduced!


    • Create a TUI for Dartboard's "subcommands"
    • Gain more familiarity with Dartboard and create a more user-friendly interface to enable others to use it
    • Stretch Create a TUI workflow for generating a Dart file


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    Wouldn't be nice to have a way to run both and collect all data for SUSE based RKE2/K3s clusters? Wouldn't be even better with a fancy TUI tool like bubbletea?

    Ideally the output should be an html page where you can see the logs/data directly from the browser.


    • Familiarize myself with both supportconfig and tools
    • Refresh my golang knowledge
    • Have something that works at the end of the hackweek ("works" may vary add-emoji )
    • Be better in naming things


    All links provided above as well as huh

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    • Easy to understand and use
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      • Clear documentation
      • Hot reloading
      • Binaries provided for download
    • Future maintenance is easy
      • Automated releases


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    What if we could create an add-on provider that automatically installs Kubewarden and deploys Policy Servers to CAPI clusters?


    • As a user I'd like to set a cluster (or list of clusters) and have the provider install Kubewarden for me.
    • As a user I'd like to set what policies must be enforced for a cluster (or list of clusters).


    • Cluster API:
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    A CLI for Harvester by mohamed.belgaied

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    Project Description

    Harvester CLI is a command line interface tool written in Go, designed to simplify interfacing with a Harvester cluster as a user. It is especially useful for testing purposes as you can easily and rapidly create VMs in Harvester by providing a simple command such as: harvester vm create my-vm --count 5 to create 5 VMs named my-vm-01 to my-vm-05.


    Harvester CLI is functional but needs a number of improvements: up-to-date functionality with Harvester v1.0.2 (some minor issues right now), modifying the default behaviour to create an opensuse VM instead of an ubuntu VM, solve some bugs, etc.

    Github Repo for Harvester CLI:

    Done in previous Hackweeks

    • Create a Github actions pipeline to automatically integrate Harvester CLI to Homebrew repositories: DONE
    • Automatically package Harvester CLI for OpenSUSE / Redhat RPMs or DEBs: DONE

    Goal for this Hackweek

    The goal for this Hackweek is to bring Harvester CLI up-to-speed with latest Harvester versions (v1.3.X and v1.4.X), and improve the code quality as well as implement some simple features and bug fixes.

    Some nice additions might be: * Improve handling of namespaced objects * Add features, such as network management or Load Balancer creation ? * Add more unit tests and, why not, e2e tests * Improve CI * Improve the overall code quality * Test the program and create issues for it

    Issue list is here:


    The project is written in Go, and using client-go the Kubernetes Go Client libraries to communicate with the Harvester API (which is Kubernetes in fact). Welcome contributions are:

    • Testing it and creating issues
    • Documentation
    • Go code improvement

    What you might learn

    Harvester CLI might be interesting to you if you want to learn more about:

    • GitHub Actions
    • Harvester as a SUSE Product
    • Go programming language
    • Kubernetes API

    Cluster API Provider for Harvester by rcase

    Project Description

    The Cluster API "infrastructure provider" for Harvester, also named CAPHV, makes it possible to use Harvester with Cluster API. This enables people and organisations to create Kubernetes clusters running on VMs created by Harvester using a declarative spec.

    The project has been bootstrapped in HackWeek 23, and its code is available here.

    Work done in HackWeek 2023

    • Have a early working version of the provider available on Rancher Sandbox : *DONE *
    • Demonstrated the created cluster can be imported using Rancher Turtles: DONE
    • Stretch goal - demonstrate using the new provider with CAPRKE2: DONE and the templates are available on the repo

    Goals for HackWeek 2024

    • Add support for ClusterClass
    • Add e2e testing
    • Add more Unit Tests
    • Improve Status Conditions to reflect current state of Infrastructure
    • Improve CI (some bugs for release creation)
    • Testing with newer Harvester version (v1.3.X and v1.4.X)
    • Due to the length and complexity of the templates, maybe package some of them as Helm Charts.
    • Other improvement suggestions are welcome!

    DONE in HackWeek 24:

    Thanks to @isim and Dominic Giebert for their contributions!


    Looking for help from anyone interested in Cluster API (CAPI) or who wants to learn more about Harvester.

    This will be an infrastructure provider for Cluster API. Some background reading for the CAPI aspect:

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    ddflare is a project started a couple of weeks ago to provide DDNS management using v4 Cloudflare APIs: Cloudflare offers management via APIs and access tokens, so it is possible to register a domain and implement a DynDNS client without any other external service but their API.

    Since ddflare allows to set any IP to any domain name, one could manage multiple A and ALIAS domain records. Wouldn't be cool to allow full DNS control from the project and integrate it with your Kubernetes cluster?


    Main goals are:

    1. add containerized image for ddflare
    2. extend ddflare to be able to add and remove DNS records (and not just update existing ones)
    3. add documentation, covering also a sample pod deployment for Kubernetes
    4. write a ddflare Kubernetes operator to enable domain management via Kubernetes resources (using kubebuilder)

    Available tasks and improvements tracked on ddflare github.

