RISC-V CPU on FPGAan invention by mkoutny Project Description |
New openSUSE-welcomean invention by lkocman Project Description |
Framework laptop integrationan invention by nkrapp Project Description |
Rancher/k8s Trouble-Makeran invention by tonyhansen |
Finish gfxprim application multiplexor (window manager)an invention by metan Project Description |
Use local/private LLM for semantic knowledge searchan invention by digitaltomm Description |
Hack on rich terminal user interfacesan invention by amanzini DescriptionTUIs (Textual User Interface) are a big classic of our daily workflow. |
USB storage plumbing for the Linux Kernel Libraryan invention by dmdiss This project builds on my previous efforts to plumb the Linux Kernel Library (LKL) into USB storage devices. This time I plan on mostly ignoring Android and will instead focus on lklfuse USB support. |
suse-rancher-supportconfigan invention by eminguez Description |
RKE2 versionsan invention by eminguez Description |
Install Uyuni on Kubernetes in cloud-native wayan invention by cbosdonnat Description |
Lawndon - Recycled electric mower converted into a 3D printable and autonomous hill climbing mower.an invention by jordonleach Description |
Software for musicians / guitarists and their integration in Aeonan invention by fcrozat DescriptionAs a beginner in playing guitar, I'm discovering the wonderful world of music software on Linux. |
Build Edge Image Builder ISO with SUSE Manageran invention by mweiss2 DescriptionWith SUSE Manager, we can build OS Images using KIWI and container images. As we have Edge Image Builder, we want to see if it is possible to use SUSE Manager to build/customize OS Images by integrating Edge Image Builder as well. |
Maintenance Game with Godotan invention by cyberiad DescriptionExploring Godot, the gaming engine, by developing a 2D game with Mainty the chamaleon which fixes bugs and addresses security issues proactively. |
Extending KubeVirtBMC's capability by adding Redfish supportan invention by zchang Description |
gphoto2 workan invention by msmeissn Description |
Improve Bard's web interface and server featuresan invention by alarrosa Description |
Hacking on Profanityan invention by mvetter Description |
Integrate Backstage with Rancher Manageran invention by nwmacd Description |
Command queue toolan invention by dheidler Description |
Officially Become a Kernel Hacker!an invention by m.crivellari DescriptionMy studies as well my spare time are dedicated to the Linux Kernel. |
Hack on libstrophean invention by sjaeckel Descriptionlibstrophe has some open PR's and issues that I'd like to work on and finalize. |
RISC-V emulator in GLSL capable of running Linuxan invention by favogt Description |
Customizable control panel for Home Assistantan invention by jbaier_cz Description |
Mammuthus - The NFS-Ganesha inside Kubernetes controlleran invention by vcheng DescriptionAs the user-space NFS provider, the NFS-Ganesha is wieldy use with serval projects. e.g. Longhorn/Rook. |
VulnHeapan invention by r1chard-lyu DescriptionThe VulnHeap project is dedicated to the in-depth analysis and exploitation of vulnerabilities within heap memory management. It focuses on understanding the intricate workflow of heap allocation, chunk structures, and bin management, which are essential to identifying and mitigating security risks. |
Get latest versions of different Rancher componentsan invention by eminguez Description |
Metrics Server viewer for Kubernetesan invention by bkampen This project is finished please visit the github repo below for the tool. |
Understand and implement a NBCON compliant console driver (study purposes)an invention by mpdesouza DescriptionThe 8250 NBCON patch is being reviewed on upstream, so in order to understand the constraints of the NBCON with Preempt-RT just implement an example driver to understand how it works. |
Enhance UV openQA helper scriptan invention by mdonis DescriptionA couple months ago an UV openQA helper script was created to help/automate the searching phase inside openQA for a given MU to test. The script searches inside all our openQA job groups (qam-sle) related with a given MU and generates an output suitable to add (copy & paste) inside the update log. |
New migration tool for Leapan invention by lkocman Update |
Editor mode at Agama web interfacean invention by ancorgs Description |
Agama Expert Partitioneran invention by joseivanlopez Description |
ghostwrAIter - a local AI assisted tool for helping with support casesan invention by paolodepa Description |
Technical talks at universitiesan invention by agamez Description |
Enhance SUSE doc team pages on Google sitesan invention by jufa Description |
FastFileCheck workan invention by pstivanin DescriptionFastFileCheck is a high-performance, multithreaded file integrity checker for Linux. Designed for speed and efficiency, it utilizes parallel processing and a lightweight database to quickly hash and verify large volumes of files, ensuring their integrity over time. |
Update Haskell ecosystem in Tumbleweed to GHC-9.10.xan invention by psimons Description |
Review SCC team internal development processesan invention by calmeidadeoliveira DescriptionSCC team processes do need a full review, and as there is not enough time left to do such activity during the week, I plan to do it during hackweek. |
AWS CodePipeline CI plugin for pagure on code.opensuse.organ invention by wombelix DescriptionThe openSUSE project wants to leverage AWS CodePipeline for Pull Requests on code.opensuse.org. |
Sipario, less mobile phone, more social interactionsan invention by baldarn Mobile phone usage is addictive. There are adults addicted, but a huge problem is kids addiction |
Explore reverse engineering and decompilationan invention by jcejka Description |
AI for product managementan invention by a_jaeger Description |
FamilyTrip Planner: A Personalized Travel Planning Platform for Familiesan invention by pherranz DescriptionFamilyTrip Planner is an innovative travel planning application designed to optimize travel experiences for families with children. By integrating APIs for flights, accommodations, and local activities, the app generates complete itineraries tailored to each family’s unique interests and needs. Recommendations are based on customizable parameters such as destination, trip duration, children’s ages, and personal preferences. FamilyTrip Planner not only simplifies the travel planning process but also offers a comprehensive, personalized experience for families. |
Hack robotic vacuum cleaneran invention by frantisek.simorda DescriptionGet rid of factory cloud integration of robotic vacuum cleaner and install Valetudo |
SUSE AI Meets the Game Boardan invention by moio Use tabletopgames.ai’s open source TAG and PyTAG frameworks to apply Statistical Forward Planning and Deep Reinforcement Learning to two board games of our own design. On an all-green, all-open source, all-AWS stack! |
Enabling Rancher as an OIDC Provideran invention by rcabello DescriptionKubernetes supports OpenID Connect (OIDC) natively as an authentication mechanism, enabling token-based user authentication. This can be configured through flags in the Kubernetes API server or by using AuthenticationConfiguration. |
Contribute to crust-gatheran invention by tneau Descriptioncrust-gather is a great tool to collect state information on a Kubernetes cluster, to be later able to serve it offline. This eases troubleshooting of CI workflows on cloud-native apps. |
Get used to IM Bots (Telegram)an invention by holgisms DescriptionI'd like to send regular information to IM channels. So I thought I'll look into bots to do that in an automated fashion. Looks like Telegram is a easy place to start. |
Make more sense of openQA test results using AIan invention by livdywan DescriptionAI has the potential to help with something many of us spend a lot of time doing which is making sense of openQA logs when a job fails. |
Explore exposing a Python Package Index out of an OBS codestreaman invention by barendartchuk Description |
Analyse & write up details of third year of operation of my battery & solar PV systeman invention by tserong Description |
gnome-kiosk runs in containeran invention by xiaoguang_wang DescriptionBuild a container with gnome-kiosk running on wayland, and it can run with the firefox kiosk container. |
Building and playing with Analog Video Synths.an invention by simotek DescriptionThis is split into 2 parts. |
Focus on web security for OpenSUSE projectsan invention by emanuelecappello Description |
getting started with LoRaWANan invention by rfrohl DescriptionGet started with LoRaWAN and play with the hardware I have lying around for ages. |
Understand and maybe implement optimal solution finder for Rubik's Cube using IDA* algorithman invention by aschnell The Rubik's Cube celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. The goal of this hackweek project is to understand the IDA* (the star is part |
Build a split keyboard from scratchan invention by mpagot DescriptionI'm getting older... this summer I experienced an annoying and persistent tingling in one hand and arm. That was the initial motivation to get more interested in ergonomic work gadgets, and from that to split keyboards. And that was the entrance in a rabbit hole. |
The Great Hack Week 24 Train Chase (Video a Train)an invention by simotek DescriptionDo you have a smartphone? Do you have a train, tram or metro track near you? If so this is the hack week project for you. |
Make use of sd_varlink to replace dbus (rebootmgr)an invention by kukuk Description |
wireguard Containeran invention by kukuk Description |
More sophisticated KMP cleanup in `zypper purge-kernels`an invention by mlandres DescriptionKMPs get removed automatically as soon as the last kernel providing their requirements is purged. |
Migrate from Docker to Podmanan invention by tjyrinki_suse Description |
Spark+React+Jade(Pug) - in search of a painless migration workflow for the Uyuni Front-End stackan invention by manuel.salvi DescriptionA study session open to everyone who is interested in getting hands down on the Uyuni front-end implementation and migration from the old struts+jsp+jquery stack to the new spark+jade+react stack. The study will be focused on react renderer and components functionalities, jade template engine and spark mvc to learn key differences and between the old and new stack, the focus is to be able to find what are the keys to a good migration workflow. |
FIM File Integrity Monitoring in Rustan invention by josefernandez Description |
ADS-B receiver with MicroOSan invention by epaolantonio I would like to put one of my spare Raspberry Pis to good use, and what better way to see what flies above my head at any time? |
Hacking on sched_extan invention by flonnegren Description |
Design the new UI for storage configuration at Agamaan invention by ancorgs Description |
Bot to identify reserved data leak in local files or when publishing on remote repositoryan invention by mdati Description |
ddflare: (Dynamic)DNS management via Cloudflare API in Kubernetesan invention by fgiudici Descriptionddflare is a project started a couple of weeks ago to provide DDNS management using v4 Cloudflare APIs: Cloudflare offers management via APIs and access tokens, so it is possible to register a domain and implement a DynDNS client without any other external service but their API. |
tlint weban invention by xarbulu Descriptiontlint is yet another linting tool to check if Trento checks are written properly. |
Encrypted sessions for Mojoliciousan invention by kraih Mojolicious](http://mojolicious.org) is a web development toolkit and framework for Perl. It is used by quite a few openSUSE projects, such as openQA and Cavil. |
Port git-fixup to POSIX shell script and submit to git/gitan invention by mcepl Descriptionhttps://github.com/keis/git-fixup is an exceedingly useful program, which I use daily, and I would love to every git user could bask in its awesomeness. Alas, it is a bash script, so it is not appropriate for the inclusion in git proper. |
Write a shell extension for GNOMEan invention by tdz Description |
ClusterOps - Easily install and manage your personal kubernetes clusteran invention by andreabenini DescriptionClusterOps is a Kubernetes installer and operator designed to streamline the initial configuration |
Jenny Static Site Generatoran invention by adam.pickering Description |
Learning more about statistics in home-assistantan invention by fcrozat DescriptionHome Assistant can gather a lot of statistics from associated sensors. |
Explore Microchip PIC64GX1000 Curiosity board (riscv64)an invention by a_faerber DescriptionThe Microchip PIC64 family of RISC-V chipsets was announced this summer, with PIC64GX as first subfamily (with SiFive U54 CPU cores, same as Microchip PolarFire). Later families (PIC64-HPSC and PIC64HX) were announced to feature the long-awaited RISC-V Hypervisor Extension. |
kubectl clone: Seamlessly Clone Kubernetes Resources Across Multiple Rancher Clusters and Projectsan invention by dpunia Descriptionkubectl clone is a kubectl plugin that empowers users to clone Kubernetes resources across multiple clusters and projects managed by Rancher. It simplifies the process of duplicating resources from one cluster to another or within different namespaces and projects, with optional on-the-fly modifications. This tool enhances multi-cluster resource management, making it invaluable for environments where Rancher orchestrates numerous Kubernetes clusters. |
make a bit-reproducible VM imagean invention by bmwiedemann DescriptionI have spent a lot of time making packages reproducible, but we also want to be able to trust our VM images. |
Explore C++20 coroutines for libzyppan invention by zbenjamin DescriptionI'm going to explore how to work with C++ 20 coroutines and if it is possible |
Rebuild Homelab for Work and Funan invention by jmeza DescriptionMy home infra is in shambles and I need to remedy this asap. I moved to a new to me home earlier this year and the Fiber/ATT Router is in the basement. For 8 months we've been working on dial-up speeds, no bueno. |
Add support to scan containers to the CVE monitoring toolan invention by amunoz Description |
SUSE Distro Blockchainan invention by adrianSuSE Description |
Multi-pod, autoscalable Elixir application in Kubernetes using K8s resourcesan invention by socon DescriptionElixir / Erlang use their own solutions to create clusters that work together. Kubernetes provide its own orchestration. |
ESETv2 Emulator / interpreteran invention by m.crivellari DescriptionESETv2 is an intriguing challenge developed by ESET, available on their website under the "Challenge" menu. |
Learn about document management with Paperless-ngxan invention by rmax I used Hackweek to install a Paperless-ngx server for the first time and learn how it works. |
Follow the basic tutorial about kubernetesan invention by ktsamis DescriptionFollow the basic tutorial about kubernetes |
Building an openSUSE-based Nextcloud containeran invention by eroca DescriptionThis project aims to create a Nextcloud container image built on openSUSE Linux, leveraging the upstream Nextcloud image structure while integrating the unique benefits of the openSUSE Build Service (OBS). The goal is to maintain compatibility with upstream while incorporating openSUSE’s tools, package management, and system utilities to ensure a robust and familiar environment for openSUSE users. |
Learning: Post-process workshops and talks from tekom/tcworld conferencean invention by ta-ro Description |
evaluate file recovery toolsan invention by jdsn DescriptionUse a real broken hard disk to test the recovery methods of data recovery tools (photorec and foremost). |
Automating the Setup of a Disposable Remote Development and Testing Environment for Rancheran invention by jluo Description |
Fix the GNOME Crosswords flatpakan invention by federico-mena Description |
Investigate Milk-V Jupiter board (riscv64)an invention by a_faerber DescriptionOn Monday of Hackweek 24 we received two Milk-V Jupiter mini-ITX boards (JUPITER_V1.1) via the RISC-V International devboards program. The Jupiter board uses a Spacemit M1 System-on-Chip (SoC). |
Investigate non-booting Forlinx OKMX8MX-C board (aarch64)an invention by a_faerber DescriptionIn the context of a SUSE customer inquiry last year, a Forlinx OKMX8MX-C arm64 board had been relayed to me from China that a customer was not successful booting SUSE Linux Micro on. Typically this happens when the vendor's bootloader (e.g., U-Boot) is not configured properly (e.g., U-Boot's distro boot) to be compliant with Arm SystemReady Devicetree (formerly IR) band. Unfortunately I could not immediately get it to emit any output, to even diagnose why it wasn't working. There was no public documentation on the vendor's website to even confirm I was checking the right UARTs. |