an invention by aschnell
The Rubik's Cube celebrates its 50th anniversary this year. The goal of this hackweek project is to understand the IDA* (the star is part of the name - not a link to a footnote) algorithm that can be used to find an optimal solution for any (valid) starting condition of a Rubik's cube. The IDA* algorithm also has other applications, e.g. 15-puzzle and pathfinding. I read one paper [1] about it but unfortunately did not understand it well. In any case it is once again graph theory (it is always graph theory if you look at a problem long enough).
Sure there are already implementations of it, e.g.:
The next hackweek projects are kind of preset already:
Detect cube condition via camera
Build robot to solve real physical Rubik's Cube
This project is part of:
Hack Week 24
4 months ago by aschnell | Reply
So the IDA* algorithm looks more clear now. It finds the solution by iterating the "game tree" but concentrates on the "best" path on every iteration. This is done using a heuristic.
BTW: Back then test research papers were considered part of artificial intelligence so I'm also doing AI after all.
4 months ago by aschnell | Reply
I have looked at various programs implementing IDA* based solvers. Many are unfortunately unfinished, broken and undocumented.
The best so far is Among other things it properly implements the index to the pattern databases while other programs seem to simply use a hash. It also gives speed measurements: It is really slow (several hours and more). The Korf IDA* solver is apparently still so slow.
That made me think what the online solver at uses since it usually finds a good solution (never had more that 20 moves) in less than a minute. Maybe it uses another approach called the "Two-Phase-Algorithm" ( That also used IDA* but combines it with some group theory.
4 months ago by aschnell | Reply
Another very old and interesting algorithm is the Thistlethwaite's algorithm that again uses group theory. I proved that any cube can be solved in 52 or less moves. It was later enhanced to use 42 moves ( The already mentioned "Two-Phase-Algorithm" is based on the Thistlethwaite's algorithm. And there is also a version of Thistlethwaite's algorithm called Human Thistlethwaite Algorithm.
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