
KMPs get removed automatically as soon as the last kernel providing their requirements is purged.

This is fine for KMPs requiring a specific kernel version. But we have a bunch of KMPs (crash-kmp, dpdk-kmp,...) which require just a specific kernel ABI. Because many kernel versions provide the required ABI those KMPs are almost never removed automatically. Old KMP versions accumulate on the system.


Find a way to identify and clean-up those KMPs but make sure that for each installed kernels ABI there is at least one working KMP available.


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  • 3 months ago: bmwiedemann liked this project.
  • 3 months ago: mlandres started this project.
  • 3 months ago: mlandres originated this project.

  • Comments

    • mlandres
      3 months ago by mlandres | Reply

      A possible workflow seems to be:

      • we'd protect all packages owning files below /lib/modules/uname -r in order not to remove KMPs of the running kernel.

      • we try take care that for each installed kernel at least one KMP stays installed, so the KMP's requirements in to a kernel are satisfied by this kernel.

      • the remaining KMPs are purged unless the user has locked them.

      Independent from that of course all packages vanish which require a removed kernel (as before).

    • mlandres
      3 months ago by mlandres | Reply

      It looks like weak-modules-2 could be enhanced to communicate unneeded KMPs. From our POV this would be the ideal solution. The KMP management knows what to remove. zypp knows how to remove. (bsc#1232399#c26; but no public access)

    • mlandres
      2 months ago by mlandres | Reply

      Discussions finally led to a refined version of the initially proposed workflow. We should be able to cleanup superfluous KMPs by looking at the KMP and kernel dependencies only. The additional KMP purging will become available as a new CLI option to zypper purge-kernels (WIP) and will resolve bugs like bsc#1232399.

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