
This is split into 2 parts.

  1. I have a mainbow video synthesizer kit, it is partly soldered I'd like to finish it and play with it.
  2. I have an RGB -> Composite Converter + Composite -> RGB Converter, It'd be fun to convert this setup into a Video synth by feeding signals into the RGB lines.


  1. Finish the Mainbow and stream something fun with it.

  2. One of the converters has a memory chip, some fun effects can be made by symaltaniously shorting some of the pins. a. This will require soldering a wire to each pin on the memory chip then having a way to short them together.

  3. Adding pots to the rgb pins to control the color levels + adding a 1v source to manually set colors.

  4. Add audio / CV Reactiveness to this circuit.


  1. 1

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This project is part of:

Hack Week 24


  • 2 months ago: simotek started this project.
  • 3 months ago: simotek originated this project.

  • Comments

    • simotek
      2 months ago by simotek | Reply

      I built a video synth from a kit this time, it took an extra few days until I could play with it completely but here is the first result Video

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