

The Great Hack Week 24 Train Chase (Video a Train)

an invention by simotek


Do you have a smartphone? Do you have a train, tram or metro track near you? If so this is the hack week project for you.

Updated 4 months ago. 4 hacker ♥️. 14 followers.

Look at personal NAS

a project by qzhao


There are several open source private NAS solutions on the community today, There are a number of open source private NAS solutions on the market, and I'm going to compare their similarities and differences and analyze how they are implemented.

Updated 4 months ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 3 followers.

Improve personal docker hosting infrastructure

a project by robert.richardson


I want to improve my personal server hosting environment. The key tasks include exploring OpenMediaVault which i've freshly set up, migrating existing Docker instances to docker-compose.yml files for streamlined deployment on Portainer, revamping the landing page built with Hugo, and investigating the potential of using Homarr to replace the current landing page for a more dynamic user experience. If there's enough time, i want to also improve the backup procedure, which is currently not covering all services.

Updated 4 months ago. 3 hacker ♥️. 3 followers.

Looking for projects around:

Nothing at the moment


  • 4 months ago: robert.richardson liked Building an openSUSE-based Nextcloud container
  • 4 months ago: robert.richardson started Improve personal docker hosting infrastructure
  • 4 months ago: robert.richardson originated Improve personal docker hosting infrastructure
  • 4 months ago: robert.richardson started Look at personal NAS
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  • 4 months ago: robert.richardson joined The Great Hack Week 24 Train Chase (Video a Train)
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  • 4 months ago: robert.richardson liked Look at personal NAS
  • 4 months ago: robert.richardson liked The Great Hack Week 24 Train Chase (Video a Train)
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