The Great Hack Week 24 Train Chase (Video a Train)an invention by simotek DescriptionDo you have a smartphone? Do you have a train, tram or metro track near you? If so this is the hack week project for you. |
Cluster API Provider for Harvesteran invention by rcase |
early stage kdump supporta project by mbrugger |
Explore the integration between OBS and GitHuba project by pdostal Project Description |
Port some classic game to Linuxa project by MDoucha Let's pick some old classic game, reverse engineer the data formats and game rules and write an open source engine for it from scratch. Some games from 1990s are simple enough that we could have a playable prototype by the end of the week. |
Preserve SUSE's historya project by fos Project Description |
Metrics Server viewer for Kubernetesan invention by bkampen This project is finished please visit the github repo below for the tool. |
Framework laptop integrationan invention by nkrapp Project Description |
AI for product managementan invention by a_jaeger Description |
Build Edge Image Builder ISO with SUSE Manageran invention by mweiss2 DescriptionWith SUSE Manager, we can build OS Images using KIWI and container images. As we have Edge Image Builder, we want to see if it is possible to use SUSE Manager to build/customize OS Images by integrating Edge Image Builder as well. |
Decouple topology data from User Settings in the StackState (SUSE Observability) platforma project by bschuur Description |
Technical talks at universitiesan invention by agamez Description |
"autoremove" functionality for zypperan invention by e_bischoff The purpose would be to have the equivalent of Ubuntu's "apt-get autoremove" functionality. |
Switch software-o-o to parse repomd dataa project by hennevogel Currently search is using the OBS binary search for everything, even for packages inside the openSUSE distributions. Let's switch this to use repomd data from |
Software for musicians / guitarists and their integration in Aeonan invention by fcrozat DescriptionAs a beginner in playing guitar, I'm discovering the wonderful world of music software on Linux. |
Learn Ca project by jsuriano DescriptionI have several future learning goals which require being proficient in C. I'd like to have this HackWeek as an opportunity to get better at the language and understand some of its advanced features like memory management and multithreading. |
Agama Expert Partitioneran invention by joseivanlopez Description |
FizzBuzz OSa project by mssola Project Description |
Re-Setup and test openSUSE video equipmenta project by mstrigl Setup the video equipment and reinstall all devices |
Use local/private LLM for semantic knowledge searchan invention by digitaltomm Description |
Focus on web security for OpenSUSE projectsan invention by emanuelecappello Description |
Create SUSE Manager users from ldap/ad groupsa project by mbrookhuis DescriptionThis tool is used to create users in SUSE Manager Server based on LDAP/AD groups. For each LDAP/AD group a role within SUSE Manager Server is defined. |
CVE portal for SUSE Rancher productsa project by gmacedo Description |
Enhance SUSE doc team pages on Google sitesan invention by jufa Description |
DBT-core with Apache Airflowa project by rgolovnya Description |
Improve personal docker hosting infrastructurea project by robert.richardson DescriptionI want to improve my personal server hosting environment. The key tasks include exploring OpenMediaVault which i've freshly set up, migrating existing Docker instances to docker-compose.yml files for streamlined deployment on Portainer, revamping the landing page built with Hugo, and investigating the potential of using Homarr to replace the current landing page for a more dynamic user experience. If there's enough time, i want to also improve the backup procedure, which is currently not covering all services. |
gfxboot for grub2a project by snwint Make a final attempt to implement a graphical user interface for grub2 (gfxboot2). |
Linux on Cavium CN23XX cardsa project by tsbogend Before Cavium switched to ARM64 CPUs they developed quite powerful MIPS based SOCs. The current upstream Linux kernel already supports some Octeon SOCs, but not the latest versions. Goal of this Hack Week project is to use the latest Cavium SDK to update the Linux kernel code to let it running on CN23XX network cards. |
RKE2 versionsan invention by eminguez Description |
Learn about Rust, and possibly do something with the help of copilota project by XinLiang DescriptionI am completely new to Rust, but I'm interested in learning it. |
Maintenance Game with Godotan invention by cyberiad DescriptionExploring Godot, the gaming engine, by developing a 2D game with Mainty the chamaleon which fixes bugs and addresses security issues proactively. |
Graphing stats from a remote solar MPPT charge controllera project by brunoleon |
SAR Performance Data Plottera project by roseswe |
Mortgage Plan Analyzeran invention by RMestre |
Port Agama's manager to Rusta project by IGonzalezSosa Initially, the Agama D-Bus service was written 100% in Ruby. For many things, it relies on YaST, so it makes sense to use the same language. It was great to have something working quickly, but it also had some drawbacks. The main problem is that, as YaST is not thread-safe, we separated the service into different processes (storage, software, localization, etc.). The system became most responsive but at the cost of eating a lot of RAM. |
WebUI for your dataa project by avicenzi A single place to view every bit of data you have. |
Implement a full OBS api client in Rusta project by nbelouin DescriptionI recently started to work on tooling for OBS using rust, to do so I started a Rust create to interact with OBS API, I only implemented a few routes/resources for what I needed. |
Patch search applied to productsa project by otilloy Introduction |
GameYatra: Personal Hobby Game Projecta project by lthadeus |