Project Description

Let's revisit our existing openSUSE welcome app.

My goal was to show Leap 16 in a new coat. Welcome app adds to the first time use experience. We've recently added donation button to our existing welcome.

Some things that I recently wanted to address were EOL and possibly upgrade notification.

I've already done some experiments with mint welcome app, but not sure if it's better than the existing one.

There is also a PR to rework existing app (this should be considered as an option too)

Goal for this Hackweek

New welcome app, possibly with EOL notification for Leap.

1) Welcome application(s) with (rebrand changes) maintained under

2) Application is submitted to openSUSE:Factory && openSUSE:Leap:16.0

3) Updated needles in openQA (probably post hackweek)


Reddit discussion about the best welcome app out there.

Github repo for the current welcome app.

Looking for hackers with the skills:

uix ui opensuse gtk4 qt6 graphics artwork

This project is part of:

Hack Week 24


  • 4 months ago: apappas joined this project.
  • 4 months ago: lkocman added keyword "graphics" to this project.
  • 4 months ago: lkocman added keyword "artwork" to this project.
  • 4 months ago: lkocman added keyword "gtk4" to this project.
  • 4 months ago: lkocman added keyword "qt6" to this project.
  • 4 months ago: lkocman added keyword "opensuse" to this project.
  • 5 months ago: dgarcia joined this project.
  • 5 months ago: dgarcia liked this project.
  • 5 months ago: mgrossu joined this project.
  • 5 months ago: ybonatakis liked this project.
  • 5 months ago: jufa liked this project.
  • 5 months ago: oleksiiorel liked this project.
  • 6 months ago: pwerneck liked this project.
  • 7 months ago: lkocman liked this project.
  • 7 months ago: lkocman added keyword "uix" to this project.
  • 7 months ago: lkocman added keyword "ui" to this project.
  • 7 months ago: lkocman started this project.
  • 7 months ago: lkocman originated this project.

  • Comments

    • lkocman
      7 months ago by lkocman | Reply

      I think we could consider using tweaked plasma welcome for plasma based installations. For gnome gnome-tour doesn't seem sufficient IMHO. But any of the existing apps will not cover EOL notification (could be separate service though)

    • pwerneck
      6 months ago by pwerneck | Reply

      Why not turn it modular allowing customers to add their own info on customized apps? Maybee getting info from network?

    • lkocman
      5 months ago by lkocman | Reply

      As of now based on initial input I think we want to use customized plasma-welcome for KDE and customized gnome-tour for GNOME. We're not trying to do make another YaST.

    • lkocman
      5 months ago by lkocman | Reply

      Sharing plans with Factory (hoping for some feedback)

    • lkocman
      4 months ago by lkocman | Reply

      Let's meet at 10:00am on Monday at and discuss who wants to do what. There seems to be multiple people interested in the effort. Thank you folks!

    • lkocman
      4 months ago by lkocman | Reply

      EOL notification or a new relese notification is not necessarily in scope of this project. This could be a plugin to gnome-software, kdiscover or a standalone yast software tool

    • dgarcia
      4 months ago by dgarcia | Reply

      I would like to work on the Gtk application.

    • lkocman
      4 months ago by lkocman | Reply

      Marius will work on the plasma-welcome. People can reach to Jay or lkocman if they need extra graphics.

      Please make sure that both gnome-tour and plasma-welcome are forked under and that is used as an upstream for the application.

    • lkocman
      4 months ago by lkocman | Reply could be temporary placeholder for the initial welcome screen (same as the old app)

    • dgarcia
      4 months ago by dgarcia | Reply

      The gnome-tour fork can be found here:, and I've started to add some commits on top of master to customize.

    • dgarcia
      3 months ago by dgarcia | Reply

      After some testing and investigation about the current workflow for the welcome app:

      1. x11_enhanced pattern recommends opensuse-welcome app.
      2. We can add a Recommends: gnome-tour to the gnome pattern
      3. The application run using xdg autostart, so gnome-tour package should put the file in /etc/xdg/autostart and set to hidden on close.
      4. In the case of having a system with multiple desktops, we can choose the specific welcome app using the OnlyShowIn/NotShowIn config in desktop file

      So I've created a draft PR to do not show the openSUSE-welcome app in GNOME, and I've also the gnome-tour fork in my home OBS project.

      I've been testing this configuration in Tumbleweed with GNOME, KDE and XFCE installed and it works as expected. The openSUSE-welcome is shown in KDE and XFCE and the gnome-tour app is only shown in GNOME.

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    The Past and the Present

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