Project Description

Although openSUSE does run on the Framework laptops out-of-the-box, there is still room to improve the experience. The ultimate goal is to get openSUSE on the list of community supported distros

Goal for this Hackweek

The goal this year is to at least package all of the soft- and firmware for accessories like the embedded controller, Framework 16 inputmodule and other tools. I already made some progress by packaging the inputmodule control software, but the firmware is still missing


As I only have a Framework laptop 16 and not a 13 I'm looking for people with hardware that can help me test


Update 1:

The project lives under my home for now until I can get an independent project on OBS: Framework Laptop project

Also, the first package is already done, it's the cli for the led-matrix spacer module on the Framework Laptop 16. I am also testing this myself, but any feedback or questions are welcome.

You can test the package on the Framework 16 by adding this repo and installing the package inputmodule-control

Update 2:

I finished packaging the python cli/gui for the inputmodule. It is using a bit of a hack because one of the dependencies (PySimpleGUI) recently switched to a noncommercial license so I cannot ship it. But now you can actually play the games on the led-matrix (the rust package doesn't include controls for the games). I'm also working on the Framework system tools now, which should be more interesting for Framework 13 users.

You can test the package on the Framework 16 by installing python311-framework16_inputmodule and then running "ledmatrixctl" from the command line.

Update 3:

I packaged the framework_tool, a general application for interacting with the system. You can find it some detailed information what it can do here. On my system everything related to the embedded controller functionality doesn't work though, so some help testing and debugging would be appreciated.

Update 4:

Today I finished the qmk interface, which gives you a cli (and gui) to configure your Framework 16 keyboard. Sadly the Python gui is broken upstream, but I added the qmk_hid package with the cli and from my testing it works well.

Final Update:

All the interesting programs are now done, I decided to exclude the firmware for now since upstream also recommends using fwupd to update it. I will hack on more things related to the Framework Laptops in the future so if there are any ideas to improve the experience (or any bugs to report) feel free to message me about it.

As a final summary/help for everyone using a Framework Laptop who wants to use this software:

The source code for all packages can be found in repositories in the Framework organization on Github

All software can be installed from this repo (Tumbleweed)

The available packages are:

  • framework-inputmodule-control (FW16) - play with the inputmodules on your Framework 16 (b1-display, led-matrix, c1-minimal)

  • python-framework16_inputmodule (FW16) - same as inputmodule-control but is needed if you want to play and crontrol the built-in games in the led-matrix (call with ledmatrixctl or ledmatrixgui)

  • framework_tool (FW13 and FW 16) - use to see and configure general things on your framework system. Commands using the embedded controller might not work, it looks like there are some problems with the kernel module used by the EC. Fixing this is out of scope for this hackweek but I am working on it

  • qmk_hid (FW16) - a cli to configure the FW16 qmk keyboard. Sadly the gui for this is broken upstream so only the cli is usable for now


I included some fixes for the python packages from upstream that were merged after hackweek but not released yet. This also allows me to make progress on getting the python qmk GUI to work (it's not crashing anymore, but not fully working yet). Also I'm submitting the packages to Factory

Looking for hackers with the skills:

packaging hardware

This project is part of:

Hack Week 24


  • 3 months ago: gpuliti liked this project.
  • 3 months ago: fos liked this project.
  • 3 months ago: daimyo13 liked this project.
  • 3 months ago: daimyo13 joined this project.
  • 3 months ago: michals liked this project.
  • 4 months ago: jfkw liked this project.
  • 4 months ago: robert.richardson liked this project.
  • 5 months ago: juliogonzalezgil liked this project.
  • 5 months ago: digitaltomm liked this project.
  • 6 months ago: FruityWelsh liked this project.
  • 6 months ago: mfriedrich liked this project.
  • 6 months ago: mfriedrich joined this project.
  • 7 months ago: rsneyer joined this project.
  • 7 months ago: dgedon liked this project.
  • 7 months ago: saweber liked this project.
  • 7 months ago: nkrapp started this project.
  • 7 months ago: nkrapp added keyword "packaging" to this project.
  • 7 months ago: nkrapp added keyword "hardware" to this project.
  • 7 months ago: nkrapp originated this project.

  • Comments

    • rsneyer
      7 months ago by rsneyer | Reply

      I have a Framework 13 12th gen intel laptop. I am happy to help testing.

      • Hassiejenkins
        8 days ago by Hassiejenkins | Reply

        Great and impressive article; thank you very much. slope game

    • jfkw
      4 months ago by jfkw | Reply

      My son has a Framework 16 with (Radeon) GPU module and LED keyboard add-ons. We'd be happy to help with testing and hope to learn more about what software and firmware exists for the devices on Linnux but is not yet packaged. Following.

    • nkrapp
      4 months ago by nkrapp | Reply

      The project lives under my home for now until I can get an independent project on OBS: Framework Laptop project

      Also, the first package is already done, it's the cli for the led-matrix spacer module on the Framework Laptop 16. I am also testing this myself, but any feedback or questions are welcome.

    • michals
      3 months ago by michals | Reply

      What is there to package on Framework 13?

      It seems to be working out of the box, see

      • nkrapp
        3 months ago by nkrapp | Reply

        There are for example some system management tools offered by Framework and I'm also looking into packaging the firmware of the different expansion modules and microcontrollers (even though fwupd might be better for that)

        • michals
          3 months ago by michals | Reply

          Yes, they generally recommend fwupd for firmware.

          Not sure what that system management tool is supposed to do for which general purpose tool does not exist. Looks like pure NIH at a glance. But in Rust add-emoji

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