Get up to speed and experiment with new front-end web techsa project by richardcox A week of learning, improving and playing with some of the relatively new front-end stacks and patterns. |
study RISC-V proxy kernel and simulatera project by ArchLinux I'm planning to do some research about RV32E which has only 16 GPRs, but riscv-pk doesn't have RV32E support so that the RV32E aware GCC ( cannot build riscv-pk. I'm going to study how the proxy kernel works so that I can do some modification to let it support RV32E. |
python yast + python kodi pluginan idea by npower python yastMy colleague David Mulder started a new version of python yast bindings, I've started to use it for some samba related stuff. However my python is poor, my yast UI knowledge is even poorer :-) I'd like to rewrite the ruby yast examples in python, that way I can hopefully learn a bit more about |
Compile Factory or some components entirely with Address Sanitizer enabled and push it to openQAan idea by vpereirabr Following Tizen and other internal initiatives, to have Factory complete or partially compiled with Address Sanitizer and give it openQA a try to "fuzz" it, looking for memory management issues: |
Improve Conference Recording Experiencea project by dmolkentin Problem statement |
Learn how to write Dracut modulesa project by nadvornik
Help with mainline support for the Mediatek chromebook (MT8173 based)a project by mbrugger Lately the necessary patches to get rudimentary support for the Mediatek chromebook with a mainline kernel got posted. There are some hacks and I'll work on some good solution to get graphics go, at least. |
Keep learning FIPS and Build/Run FIPS tests in openQA locallya project by bchou FIPS 140-2 , The Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 140-2, (FIPS PUB 140-2), is a U.S. government computer security standard used to approve cryptographic modules. The title is Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules. |
Learn about Vim by reading a booka project by zoecao Learn Vim by reading book of Practical Vim |
learn conkya project by pgajdos I would like to work mainly on, think of default configuration and perhaps create a small configuration script for conky. |
Improve the btrfs userspace tools to check or repair a problematic filesystem with a more friendly idea by winddss Write a script give the user a more friendly UI, when running the btrfs userspace tools to check or repair a problematic filesystem. learn python & use it. |
Automatic refhost deploymenta project by ktsamis This would be a multiple step solution, a first idea that I would explore would be: |
Learn Design Modela project by jtzhao Learning design model can help to produce high quality codes, which will benefit our products. |
Play with Caas Platform 2 and Salta project by wanghaisu CaaSP is designed to be used with containers based on SUSE micro OS, using Salt as the management tool. CaaSP2 GMC is available at the moment. I want to spend the hackweek 0x10 to play with it, figure out how CasSP integrate and work with Salt. |
Learn more about Docker and Goan idea by mitiao Learn Docker and Go by reading book of the source code analysis of docker. |
Practice Goa project by vcuadradojuan Use this hackweek to practice and learn more about Go. |
Study and card QEMU work flow.a project by XGWang0 During testing virtualization , I usually met some issue and can not position the issue location (host or guest), so I would like to deeply learn QEMU code, card the work flow, understand communication mechanism between host and guest. |
Study and try to improve live migration, esp. memory-copya project by fei_Shirley As live migration is widely used in many scenarios nowadays, spend one week time to study it and try to improve its efficiency, e.g. seamlessly migrate with less downgrading the guest. Another challenging part is memory migration, as it involves the dirty memory's detection, record and copy. |
Learn how openQA was implemented in details.a project by GraceWang Learn how openQA was implemented in details. |
git snitcha project by zhangxiaofei While it is important for package maintainers to track the upstream code base activities and backport significant patches in a timely manner, it could be a tedious work when there's hundreds of packages in a project (ahem, GNOME) to follow manually. |
Implement QEMU Firmware Config device support in Linuxrc/AutoYaSTa project by dmacvicar While normally data is passed to linuxrc (including an AutoYaST profile), modern auto-install tools like Ignition from CoreOS support a very interesting method: the QEMU Firmware Config device. |
My own picture gallery using Flickr APIa project by mvancura Flickr provides not only a large space for photos but also nice features around, including tags and other metadata allowing sorting of photos by different criteria - but one is very limited in the design of something like "frontpage" of such galleries. The solution is to use 3rd party JS solutions using Flickr API, like nanogallery. |
online DB of L3 supported productsa project by mvancura The goal is to create a set of YAML files describing L3 supported products with all metadata we need to store there - and a JS presentation layer automatically showing this data in several forms, one of them will be a part of our L3 documentation. |