FUN with ssh and tunnels in openstackan idea by duartead there are many options for creating vpn tunnels using ssh. remote port forwading, local port forwarding, and even creation of tun interfaces with the "-w" switch. During this hack we will try to craete an "appliance" vm that can be used as a sshvpn concentrator inside an openstack cloud. |
Bootstrap portusctl as a separate repositorya project by mssola Right now |
Intranet Search Enginea project by sven15 In this hack week we want to focus on improving the existing components used for http://docsearch.nue.suse.com. Creating separated repositories for each service and pushing them to github.com is also desired. |
Reverse engineer Tecnoalarm protocola project by cbosdonnat TecnoAlarm is a house alarm system. The input devices are communicating with the main node of the system via an RS 485 bus. In order to be able to plug in such systems in a house automation system, its communication protocol needs to be reverse engineered. |
Visualize new SLE15 module trees in SCC as an interactive tree diagrama project by thutterer Everything is (in) a module now. They depend on each other and you need a whiteboard and a few different colors to understand and remember how. |
Upstream support for the NXP LPC313x ARM SoCan idea by morbidrsa I have an old NXP LPC313x ARM SoC develboard lying around which has no upstream kernel support, port the ancient 2.6.xx BSP to a recent upstream kernel and submit it. |
Add susi.ai skill for libvirtan idea by cbosdonnat susi.ai is an open source personal assistant. It would be fun to be able to say it "Bring up VM xxxx on host yyyy" or other things like this. |
Rsuma2.0 (Rspec for Suse manager)an idea by dmaiocchi When developing a new feature on Suse Manager, it become handy to have a minimal fast suite that performs some tests to see if basic functionality work again and no regression is added. |
Create a tool to generate vCPU/vNUMA topology for virtual machinesa project by jfehlig Most large workloads such as SAP HANA require special, highly optimized configuration to run in a virtual machine. Virtual resources such as memory and CPU must be carefully configured to ensure optimum performance of the virtual machine workload. Default VM configuration created by tools such as virt-install are not optimized and often result in poor performance of large workloads due to memory access latencies and incorrect/incomplete information available to the VM's task scheduler. |
zypper-docker reloadeda project by mssola The aim of this project is to finish up the work already done in previous editions of Hackweek in regards to zypper-docker. That being: |
shell script static analyzera project by michals With all those analyzers for C code we get so much information about our C code. |
Replace ctcs2 with avocadoa project by pluskalm We need to package avocado, get it into distro and migrate some of our testsuites from ctcs2. Atm avocado is present in openSUSE:Factory and Backports exist at my home project |
netlink interface for ethtoola project by mkubecek There seems to be an overall consensus that the ioctl interface used by ethtool is a poor design as it's inflexible, error prone and notoriously hard to extend. It should clearly be replaced by netlink and obsoleted. Unfortunately not much actual work has been done in that direction until this project started. |
Build a tea candle housing from sugar cubesa project by bmwiedemann A nice project for enhancing the winter time: |