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over 2 years ago: bchou liked Tool to collect relevant data from images and containers tested in openQA
over 2 years ago: bchou liked EVERYONE can contribute to documentation – See how YOU can join the party
over 2 years ago: bchou started Learn and research the ALP security framework
over 2 years ago: bchou originated Learn and research the ALP security framework
over 2 years ago: bchou liked learn and play around luks and fido2
over 2 years ago: bchou liked Reading SLES15 "Security and Hardening Guide"
over 2 years ago: bchou liked Find openQA jobs which using specific test module
almost 4 years ago: bchou liked Study the book of 'Using Python for DATA Analysis'
almost 4 years ago: bchou liked Automated test for game + only web based dev + Python openQA
almost 4 years ago: bchou liked Learn python by building a homepage with Flask
almost 4 years ago: bchou liked Rust Bootcamp
almost 4 years ago: bchou liked SUSE @home Hands On Lab
almost 4 years ago: bchou liked A tool comparing openqa test result of any two test runs for job group
almost 4 years ago: bchou started Create container image as replacement to run Multi-Machine testsuite in openQA
almost 4 years ago: bchou originated Create container image as replacement to run Multi-Machine testsuite in openQA
about 5 years ago: bchou started Multi-Machine test automation in openQA
about 5 years ago: bchou originated Multi-Machine test automation in openQA
over 5 years ago: bchou liked Investigate Mycroft and the possibility of GNOME integration.
over 5 years ago: bchou started Survey the docker support in FIPS 140-2 validation
over 5 years ago: bchou liked UEFI Capsule Update Channel for Minnowboard
over 5 years ago: bchou liked read a book "Docker Primer"
over 5 years ago: bchou originated Survey the docker support in FIPS 140-2 validation
over 6 years ago: bchou liked DIY Awesome Glowing Nixie Clock
over 6 years ago: bchou liked Continue learn about Docker and Go
over 6 years ago: bchou originated Learn more Cryptography knowledge and FIPS related standard.