Research IOT and Home Automationan idea by eapendergrass Research Interfacing Linux with: - 1-wire and other weather sensors (temperature, wind, humidity, rain) |
A Voice Assisted and AI Enabled Product Manual Query Systeman idea by charleswang007007 This is a project I made for IoT World Hackathon (May 16-17th 2018), sponsored by Google. The project features a streamlined product manual query system deployed with Google Cloud Platform, Google Assistant, and DialogFlow which greatly reduces time searching for instructions by building a voice-controlled and natural language understanding conversational interfaces on Raspberry Pi. |
OpenStack Cinder iSCSI Ceph drivera project by wboring This project is a POC to create an iSCSI driver for the Ceph backend for Cinder. There are a few use cases that would make it nice to be able to attach a ceph volume as an iSCSI target. |
Monitor OpenStack with Prometheusan idea by tbechtold Currently there is Monasca which can be used for monitoring an OpenStack cloud. But outside of the OpenStack world, Prometheus seems to be used more often. |
Improve TAP and RSpec parsing in openQA External Harness Parsera project by foursixnine Currently there is support for TAP being added to OpenQA::Parser::Format |
学习AARCH64汇编a project by yjmwxwx 第一个程序 |
Improve Qt knowledge and learn QtQuickan idea by mvetter My knowledge of Qt is still superficial, I would like to deepen it and also learn QtQuick. Reading some books, experimenting and contributing somewhere. |
Encrypted installation mediaan idea by snwint Create encrypted installation media |
Use WSL to build qemu guest agent for VMDPan idea by kallan Now that Windows Fall Creator is out, I wanted to enable Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) on my VMDP build box and install openSUSE. Then inside openSUSE, I wanted to be able to build the qemu-ga component for VMDP. After adding the mingw packages along with git, I was successful in building qemu-ga. |