container storage researchan idea by qzhao Study container storage technology and how the filesystem supports it. |
Look into distrobox as a launcher of desktop and applications on ALPan idea by yfjiang Project Description |
Learn PostgreSQL advanced featuresan invention by okurz MotivationThe PostgreSQL database implementation is an integral part of many important software stacks, most importantly for me openQA. I learned database "by doing" but never properly. Given that we recently had (again) an incident related to specific details of how a database behaves under load maybe it's time to learn more about PostgreSQL. |
QJobViewera project by apappas |
Use systemd Service Templates to manage OBS workersan invention by enavarro_suse Project Description |
Hack on project MONAI (Medical Open Network for Artificial Intelligence)an invention by jordimassaguerpla Project Description |
Kanidman invention by firstyear Project Description |
Create a graphic scene using Vulkan APIa project by jtorres |
Rancher Token Revokeran invention by mbolot |
Improve Docker registry listing toola project by rbranco Project Description |
Application for secret ballots (A review of existing tools under legal aspects)an invention by apritschet Project Description |
Run sandboxed Firefox with image and sound inside a containeran invention by nguyens |
Sign me off|inan invention by mkoutny |
Complete the port of flatpak to appstream from appstream-gliba project by ldragon |
Rewrite the D-Installer CLIa project by IGonzalezSosa Project Description |
Investigate if VSCodium can be used as a convenient DocBook editora project by tbazant Project Description & Goal for this Hackweek |
Iguana and WebAssemblya project by oholecek Project Description |
Taflan invention by mrohrich |
Improve OpenSCAP support in Uyunia project by admehmood |
Man pages in a containeran idea by doreilly |
Salt formula for Certhuban idea by crameleon |
clsr (Command Line Spaced Repetition) Learning Toolan invention by adam.pickering Project Description |
UYUNI - synchronize content between registry serversan invention by RDiasMateus |
Add support for resolving package conflicts interactively in PackageKita project by JonathanKang |
Simple time scale for active record modelsa project by digitaltomm |
XRechnung Viewer and Toolsan idea by kfreitag |
Implement something like Time Slider on Solarisa project by yudaike |
study mu project instance + shimutil toolan idea by dtseng Project Description
mrouted: Join multicast groups via IPIP or GRE tunnelsa project by e_bischoff |
Algorithm Visualizeran invention by agraul |
E9s: Epinio TUIa project by ecandino |
Offline GPS navigation for Bangle.js 2 watcha project by fos Project Description |
Visualization of historical sar(1) archivesa project by ggherdovich Project Description |
Containerized git server/client for playground and tutorialsa project by mberti |
BPF feature support tablea project by shunghsiyu Project Description |
Improve error handling of the '/search' API endpoints of OBSan invention by enavarro_suse Project Description |
Code Coverage of spacewalk-java aka Suma Server after a full TestSuite executiona project by oscar-barrios Project Description |
Explore NVIDIA GPU on SLEan idea by Julie_CAO |
Watch a session of "essence of linear algebra" and read some book about algorithma project by yosun Project Description |
Full Disk Encryption with yubikeya project by okir |
Translate GCompris into Germanan invention by lrupp Project Description |
Add support for VisionFive2 board in Elemental toolkita project by ldevulder Description |