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over 1 year ago: ggherdovich liked SAR Performance Data Plotter
about 2 years ago: ggherdovich added keyword "observability" to Visualization of historical sar(1) archives
about 2 years ago: ggherdovich removed keyword observeability from Visualization of historical sar(1) archives
about 2 years ago: ggherdovich added keyword "sar" to Visualization of historical sar(1) archives
about 2 years ago: ggherdovich added keyword "observeability" to Visualization of historical sar(1) archives
about 2 years ago: ggherdovich added keyword "visualization" to Visualization of historical sar(1) archives
about 2 years ago: ggherdovich added keyword "monitoring" to Visualization of historical sar(1) archives
about 2 years ago: ggherdovich added keyword "grafana" to Visualization of historical sar(1) archives
about 2 years ago: ggherdovich added keyword "performance" to Visualization of historical sar(1) archives
about 2 years ago: ggherdovich added keyword "perfetto" to Visualization of historical sar(1) archives
about 2 years ago: ggherdovich added keyword "performance-co-pilot" to Visualization of historical sar(1) archives
about 2 years ago: ggherdovich added keyword "pcp" to Visualization of historical sar(1) archives
about 2 years ago: ggherdovich started Visualization of historical sar(1) archives
about 2 years ago: ggherdovich originated Visualization of historical sar(1) archives
almost 4 years ago: ggherdovich joined Support UEFI network boot in Orthos Prague
almost 4 years ago: ggherdovich originated Support UEFI network boot in Orthos Prague
over 5 years ago: ggherdovich liked PXE improvements for QAM
over 5 years ago: ggherdovich started PXE improvements for QAM
over 8 years ago: ggherdovich started Improve Marvin dashboard
over 8 years ago: ggherdovich originated Improve Marvin dashboard