Project Description
Before the openSUSE 2022, we built a prototype of a command line interface for D-Installer just for demonstration purposes. It implements a limited set of functions and, apart from packaging changes, it has not received any relevant update for months.
Recently, we have redefined how the CLI should look. We want to rebuild the CLI from scratch with the new design in mind. However, it sounds boring for a Hack Week project so, why not try something different?
The idea of this project is to rebuild the D-Installer's CLI using Rust. We want to explore how hard it could be compared to Ruby, the main language for D-Installer and YaST. So, if you are interested in learning Rust (and the internals of D-Installer), feel free to join the project.
Goal for this Hackweek
- Support for
config set
andconfig show
. - Start the installation and track the progress.
- (optional) Operate through an SSH connection
- Project's homepage
- Rust homepage
- zbus: library to interact with D-Bus.
- clap-rs: a full featured, fast Command Line Argument Parser for Rust.
- prodash: dashboard for displaying the progress of concurrent application.
Results from Hack Week 22
We have summarized our findings in a message to the yast-devel mailing list.
Looking for hackers with the skills:
This project is part of:
Hack Week 22
about 2 years ago by IGonzalezSosa | Reply
You can find the summary of the Hack Week 22 in this message to the yast-devel mailing list.
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