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over 1 year ago: jreidinger started Agama Minimal Live Image
over 1 year ago: jreidinger originated Agama Minimal Live Image
about 2 years ago: jreidinger joined Rewrite the D-Installer CLI
almost 4 years ago: jreidinger added keyword "salt" to Unified Config Management Tool (UCMT)
almost 4 years ago: jreidinger added keyword "ansible" to Unified Config Management Tool (UCMT)
almost 4 years ago: jreidinger added keyword "webapps" to Unified Config Management Tool (UCMT)
almost 4 years ago: jreidinger added keyword "cli" to Unified Config Management Tool (UCMT)
almost 4 years ago: jreidinger added keyword "qt" to Unified Config Management Tool (UCMT)
almost 4 years ago: jreidinger started Unified Config Management Tool (UCMT)
almost 4 years ago: jreidinger originated Unified Config Management Tool (UCMT)
about 5 years ago: jreidinger started Analyser for YaST logs
about 5 years ago: jreidinger added keyword "yast" to Analyser for YaST logs
about 5 years ago: jreidinger added keyword "ruby" to Analyser for YaST logs
about 5 years ago: jreidinger originated Analyser for YaST logs
about 5 years ago: jreidinger joined Learn Crystal by porting part of YaST to that language
almost 8 years ago: jreidinger started More ruby in YaST
almost 8 years ago: jreidinger originated More ruby in YaST
over 8 years ago: jreidinger started Speed up installation
over 8 years ago: jreidinger originated Speed up installation
about 9 years ago: jreidinger joined Jangouts development workshop
over 10 years ago: jreidinger liked A SUSE chronicle 0.1
over 10 years ago: jreidinger liked Video presence system for distributed teams
over 10 years ago: jreidinger liked Create new mirror-script package
over 10 years ago: jreidinger joined Create new mirror-script package
over 11 years ago: jreidinger liked Improve yast devtools