

Rome, Italy


Looking for projects around:

Nothing at the moment


  • about 1 month ago: ecandino liked Sipario, less mobile phone, more social interactions
  • about 1 month ago: ecandino started Grapesss: a physical Shamir's Secret Sharing application [ESP32-C3 + Mobile]
  • about 1 month ago: ecandino added keyword "esp32" to Grapesss: a physical Shamir's Secret Sharing application [ESP32-C3 + Mobile]
  • about 1 month ago: ecandino added keyword "espressif" to Grapesss: a physical Shamir's Secret Sharing application [ESP32-C3 + Mobile]
  • about 1 month ago: ecandino added keyword "rust" to Grapesss: a physical Shamir's Secret Sharing application [ESP32-C3 + Mobile]
  • about 1 month ago: ecandino added keyword "mobile" to Grapesss: a physical Shamir's Secret Sharing application [ESP32-C3 + Mobile]
  • about 1 month ago: ecandino added keyword "android" to Grapesss: a physical Shamir's Secret Sharing application [ESP32-C3 + Mobile]
  • about 1 month ago: ecandino added keyword "microcontroller" to Grapesss: a physical Shamir's Secret Sharing application [ESP32-C3 + Mobile]
  • about 1 month ago: ecandino added keyword "esp" to Grapesss: a physical Shamir's Secret Sharing application [ESP32-C3 + Mobile]
  • about 1 month ago: ecandino originated Grapesss: a physical Shamir's Secret Sharing application [ESP32-C3 + Mobile]
  • about 1 year ago: ecandino liked Create a kubectl plugin for Epinio
  • about 1 year ago: ecandino joined Create a kubectl plugin for Epinio
  • about 1 year ago: ecandino originated Create a kubectl plugin for Epinio
  • almost 2 years ago: ecandino started E9s: Epinio TUI
  • almost 2 years ago: ecandino originated E9s: Epinio TUI
  • over 2 years ago: ecandino joined SUSE branded keycaps models
  • over 2 years ago: ecandino liked SUSE branded keycaps models
  • over 2 years ago: ecandino liked WASM support for cloud native buildpacks