Installation server setup utility - continueda project by csalmond Project Description |
A weighting based ABR treean idea by dtseng Project Description |
select vs epoll in socket i/o muxan idea by dtseng Project Description |
Learn OpenEMS project (Open Energy Management System)a project by witekbedyk |
Graphing stats from a remote solar MPPT charge controllera project by brunoleon |
Support virtual monitors for VNC in gnome-remote-desktopa project by vliaskovitis |
expand a "CMS" written in python/flaska project by MMoese Project DescriptionI'm 2nd head of a non-profit association, our goals are to help musicians and kids that want to learn playing an instrument, but whose parents cannot afford buying instruments or paying for musical education. |
A React-based alternative to our beloved bug/issue tracker finglongera project by avshiliaev |
web-based testing tracker for aquarist-labs's s3gwa project by jluis |
AWS Terraform Modulesa project by mtrachier Project Description |
Cgroup support for supportconfiga project by firoyang |
Migrate web hosts over from easy engine on AWS to k8s/RKEa project by ngildersleeve Project Description |
Advanced suspend/resume controla project by sbrabec |
Creating a drum machine with pytestan idea by ONalmpantis I want to refresh/improve my python skills so I ll make a drum machine |
Saline: Salt state appliement monitoringa project by vzhestkov Project Description |
reflinkable rpmsa project by lnussel Project Description |
D-Bus secure message communicationa project by alix82 Project DescriptionD-Bus is a easy to use message-oriented mechanism that allows communication between multiple processes running concurrently on the same machine. Any application running on the session bus can install a monitor hook over the bus to listen to all exchanged messages. Sensitive information such as mail passwords will be exchanged in plain text. A malicious software can easily listen and parse all those sensitive messages. |
Explore the future of samba in the cloudan idea by scabrero Project Description |
Openqa framework in emacsa project by ybonatakis Project Description |
Learning podman with selinux enableda project by gosipyan Project DescriptionPodman is an open-source, Linux-based tool that builds Docker-compatible container images |
Package workflow experimentsa project by jfehlig |
Lightweight container runtime on Maca project by bnewberry |
flipbook.picsan idea by gleo Node.js Flipbook PDF generator, to convert videos into printables. |
Build an Audio Streaming Server in Golang for Ableton Lite Recordingsa project by annablendermann |
Bring to life the Studio Kiosk in Frankenstrassea project by digitaltomm |
Minecraft basics for kidsan idea by calmeidadeoliveira |
Generate a GraphQL API for Uyuni's reporting DB and consume ita project by j_renner |
Refresh the internal SUSE Manager maintenance documentationa project by deneb_alpha Project DescriptionWith this project I would like to refresh/update the confluence documentation describing how SUSE Manager maintenance works and how to process a SUSE Manager update round. |
OMEMO Hexchat pluginan idea by dknorr |
Moderated Meetings for opensuse Jitsia project by LSchroeder |
Nanos Unikernelan idea by rpalethorpe Project Description |
Utilize eBPF for network policya project by jianwang |
mac80211_hwsim toola project by cfconrad Project Description |
Explore Crev as collaborative code audita project by pperego Project Description |
Install BLOB-less U-Boot in SPI of Pine64 ROCKPro64 and boot from NVMe diska project by clanig Project DescriptionThis project is about installing a fully open source ARM machine. It was not originally a Hack Week project and some information gathering was already done before. |
Learn about Rancher productsa project by mgrifalconi |
Paper reading cluba project by LarsMB |
Building my own cluster on Raspberry Pi 4 with K3Sa project by mlin7442 |
Updatecli Kubernetes Operatora project by olblak |
Build Kernel from sources - openSUSE wayan idea by asmorodskyi Find documentation on how to re-build openSUSE Kernel from sources and tweak some Kernel build variables |
Explore Djangoa project by djz88 Explore django |
Learn and research the ALP security frameworka project by bchou |
Implement a "Fuel Gauge" for Harvestera project by mrussell |
QJobViewera project by apappas |
Extend k3s-ansible to support new functionalities (or fork/create new one)a project by nicoladm Project Description |
Brew an IA-generated beer recipean idea by rtorrero This project has two goals: |
BPFTRACEa project by fanyadan Project DescriptionJust have play with bpftrace on some real kernel bugs. |
rust security reviews and cargo-creva project by jzerebecki |
kubedumpan idea by joshmeranda Project DescriptionDevelop a tool to collect runtime information about a kubernetes cluster. |