generic zswap dedupa project by ailiopoulos |
Explore containerized desktop and pure-wayland desktopan idea by zcjia Project Description |
Continue work on "ostatus"a project by aplanas Project Description |
Audio steganography for music digital signaturesan idea by shawnhao Project DescriptionThere are lots of indie musicians who are not very aware of protecting their copyright and it is hard to determine plagiarism in music. I believe a digital signature could be useful to present copyright on court without damaging and altering the soundings of a song. But I am also aware that a signature alone may not be sufficient to protect copyrights and it is able to bypass it. |
Learn kubernetesan idea by XinLiang - Learn key concepts of k8s- Learn how to write k8s crd or operator |
salt formula for uyuni proxy setupan idea by mbussolotto Project Description |
Learn a doc about containeran idea by zoecao [comment]: # Learn a doc about container [comment]: # I'm interested in container, so I looked for some docs and plan to learn them during this hackweek. |
KernelCI performance regression dash boarda project by wagi |
Learn about Service Managementa project by lrupp Project Description |
Reading SLES15 "Security and Hardening Guide"an idea by llzhao |
Audio controlled smart devicesa project by bzoltan1 Project Description |
Add automatic loading of salt autosign grains to saltbootan idea by oholecek |
Write a formula with forms for setting up a container registrya project by mcalmer |
openSUSE wiki improvements (specially Portal:Packaging)a project by gmoro Project DescriptionFollowing a recent discussion with the Packaging team at SUSE we will do a revamp of |
SUSE SE Marketing tools and Demosa project by nbatsford |
Improve unaligned fs read behavior for u-bootan idea by wqu_suse |
Explore linuxboota project by clin What is linuxboot?LinuxBoot is a firmware for modern servers that replaces specific firmware functionality like the UEFI DXE phase with a Linux kernel and runtime. |
Securing and improving home/server networka project by ohollmann |
Improve zypp-gui toola project by xiaoguang_wang zypp-gui is a gui tool to update the system and install the packages in openSUSE distro. It's written by rust. |
Aperture: a simple game engine written in C based on OpenGLa project by StarryWang Project Description |
YaST log grouping, better visualization of the loga project by lslezak Description |
FTrace Visualization Toola project by jesingh Project DescriptionA visualization tool that directly digests ftrace function traces and provides easier to understand timing diagrams with the ability to quickly look up functions from within the program. |
Adopt Typescript in D-Installera project by IGonzalezSosa Project Description |