Base container images multi language compiler on local codea project by mdati Create a selector of BCI-language containers, python, java, go, etc, to pull and build the proper image |
Product Migration support in SSMan idea by admehmood |
Hack into Ellingson Mineral and download a garbage filean idea by mseidl81 We should be chased by the FBI.Finally I'll need group of elite hackers to prove our innocence. |
py-ensa project by ngetahun |
Misc: Make samba rpc service scheduler generic and/or learn some Rusta project by npower |
WireGuard VPN on MicroOS/Raspberry Pian idea by doreilly |
Retail Branch Server + SUMA Server on one machinea project by nadvornik |
indoor air quality sensora project by rsimai Description |
Rewrite libkdumpfile Python binding using CFFIa project by ptesarik Project Description |
Make DNF5 package manager ready for openSUSEa project by dmach Project Description |
learn and play around luks and fido2an idea by oertel read up on things like |
Model checking the BPF verifiera project by shunghsiyu Project Description |
consolidate mm debugging tools and package thema project by mhocko |
Learn about Fleetan idea by kwk |
Poking technologies for enrolling customer key to kernel trusted keyringa project by joeyli |
Learn more about Application Security (AppSec) Open Source Tools and Testing Techniquesan idea by heidi.bronson |
Add MBR binary format support to the fq command line toola project by tobilehman
Enhance internal process for providing localization dropsan idea by ta-ro Project DescriptionWe regularly hand off documentation sources to localization. I'd like to improve some minor details in this process. |
Ebook Reader word translatora project by dmulder |
Improve the UX/UI of User Storya project by cyntss Project Description |
retrocomputing: learn the architecture of MIPS for PS1 and build an assemblera project by david.anes |