Switch to MicroOS desktop.a project by lpalovsky Few months ago I switched my home workstation and media center to Micro OS desktop and I cannot imagine switching back to normal distribution. After some consideration I realized it should work fine (even better) on the notebook I am using for work. |
Velcro demuxing software managementa project by zbenjamin |
Requirements Management Tool on Graph Databasea project by mknop Project Description |
Terraform GUIa project by kevinklinger |
Raspberry Pi and SUSE Managera project by e_bischoff I have bought a Raspberry Pi 400 and would like to experiment how it integrates into SUSE ecosystem. |
Build kdump initrd without dracuta project by ptesarik Project Description |
Migrate suntorytimed/resourcespace container to an openSUSE basea project by suntorytimed Project DescriptionFor quite some time I am providing a ResourceSpace container on Docker Hub. It is meanwhile pulled about 234K times but unfortunately still based on Ubuntu. Meanwhile I have updated the base to Ubuntu 20.04, but I would like to move it to openSUSE instead. With ResourceSpace 9.5 coming out soon I see a possibility of introducing this switch. Enno Gotthold also did a great job of packaging ResourceSpace on OBS, so this could be used as a starting point for the container. |
Create short "videos/screencasts" demoing cool stuff in 5 minutesa project by PSuarezHernandez |
Loggee - A tool to interact with your board game collection and plays (made in Elixir)a project by gfilippetti |
Support for BIOS-based error log in dmidecodea project by jdelvare |
krunvm-operator: a Kubernetes operator for launching isolated VMsa project by ngerace |
SUSECON | Space Gamean idea by SaraStephens For this year's SUSECON Digital, we are looking to drive home the message of Innovate Everywhere by showcasing the creativity of our Engineering team. The theme this year features a leap into space and a nostalgic design. |
Phoebe - where AI meets Linuxa project by mvarlese Project Description |
Finish the btrfs fscontext conversiona project by mpdesouza |
WebRTC individual track recordera project by avicenzi |
bare metal openQA for arm boardsa project by mbrugger |
DRM driver for USB-based SiS graphics cardsa project by tdz Back in the late 90s to early 2000s, SiS graphics chips were fairly common and found in many low-end devices. Today, the chips are still capable enough for simple graphics needs, but the graphics cards were on PCI and AGP buses. They are not usable in modern computers. |
Program FPGA using Verilog and VHDLa project by aschnell Learn to program a FPGA using Verilog and VHDL |
Preserve SUSE's historya project by fos Project Description |
Self assessment application for learning a (human) languagea project by mssola Project Description |
Zero Trust vSphere Provisioning from Rancheran idea by wjimenez Currently, when Rancher tries to provision a Kubernetes cluster on vSphere, it needs to initiate API calls to the vSphere endpoint. In a hybrid cloud environment this often means that the Rancher server is not in the same network as the vSphere endpoint. Therefore inbound access is required to be added to a firewall so Rancher can reach the vSphere system. This naturally poses a security concern and creates administrative burden on our users who have to go through a security review to get this approved. |
Face recognition on nextcloud with TPUa project by jordimassaguerpla Project Description |
Language Server Protocol implementation for Salt Statesa project by cbosdonnat Language Server Protocol (LSP for friends) is used in a number of code editors these days. There are implementations for various languages, but none for Salt States. |