For this year's SUSECON Digital, we are looking to drive home the message of Innovate Everywhere by showcasing the creativity of our Engineering team. The theme this year features a leap into space and a nostalgic design.

Goal: Engage with our audience through game play that highlights the points of Innovate Everywhere. We want them to keep coming back to play throughout the SUSECON Digital experience.

Requirements: This needs to be space themed and any gameplay style is welcome, but it must be simple to understand and play. Think of creating a fidget spinner - addictive but don't need to know to how use. Ideally the game would be obviously SUSE-influenced (chameleons, cattle, etc)!

If a viable game is created, it will be directly visible to customers and all attendees as part of SUSECON. Gamer points accumulated will contribute to attendees’ SUSECON gamification participation point totals, helping them win event prizes.

*Where we need support: *We are looking for help on the graphic element, cloud service element and game logic. Non-coders welcome too!

Resources: Public domain, clone and remake sources ok. GitHub has thousands of repositories for inspiration, information and data sources…

If you're interested in participating, please get in touch with Sara Stephens -

Looking for hackers with the skills:

game games space gamification

This project is part of:

Hack Week 20


  • over 3 years ago: lcaparroz liked this project.
  • over 3 years ago: dleidi liked this project.
  • over 3 years ago: mlnoga liked this project.
  • over 3 years ago: dancermak liked this project.
  • over 3 years ago: ories liked this project.
  • over 3 years ago: SaraStephens originated this project.

  • Comments

    • dancermak
      over 3 years ago by dancermak | Reply

      Not exactly what you're looking for, but maybe interesting anyway:

      • jevrard
        over 3 years ago by jevrard | Reply

        We would indeed be happy to link to a web page mentioning the game in our workadventure project!

    • mlnoga
      over 3 years ago by mlnoga | Reply

      Consider using a cross-platform engine like Defold. Their GitHub is here. Comes with full artwork editing tools, so our marketing colleagues can participate, too.

    • SaraStephens
      over 3 years ago by SaraStephens | Reply

      Great suggestions thank you both!

    • digitaltomm
      over 3 years ago by digitaltomm | Reply

      I created a game 8 years ago, in Hackweek 2013: But no space theme there ;-)

    • jevrard
      over 3 years ago by jevrard | Reply

      Other suggestion for engines, and other resources:

    • dleidi
      over 3 years ago by dleidi | Reply

      In case of need for more inspiration, I am aware of this instead

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