Make YaST Testing Independent of Keyboard Shortcuts

a project by shundhammer

Motivation / Problem

Right now, our QA team tests YaST with OpenQA very much based on keyboard shortcuts: Set the keyboard focus to the "User Name" input field with Alt-U, enter a user name, [Tab] to get to the next field, enter more text, finally Alt-N to activate the "Next" button.

Updated about 5 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

audio emojis for

an idea by rsimai

We recently changed from IRC to and now all enjoy the colorful richness of emojis, and in particular animated emoticons such as the :partyparrot: that so much helps productivity. But there's a latent feeling something still is missing and the answer is simple: audio emojis! We need a feature to send audio emojis to the group and individuals that play on the recipients phones/speakers no matter what. They can be short, they can be looped, same as image emojis they need to catch attention and not allow the user to focus on something else than the chat, e.g. a smart burping to be sent every day after dinner, a looped very funny laughing when somebody announces to have broken the CI system shortly before the release or just some gulping noise which is what you preferably want to do with the :partyparrot:

Updated over 2 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

Help with mainline support for the Mediatek chromebook (MT8173 based)

a project by mbrugger

Lately the necessary patches to get rudimentary support for the Mediatek chromebook with a mainline kernel got posted. There are some hacks and I'll work on some good solution to get graphics go, at least.

Updated over 4 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

Big SUSE Event Bus (for SUSE services integration)

a project by mdinca

Within SUSE we are using various systems for different tasks. E.g. GitHub and GitLab as DVCS, Jenkins for building or testing, OBS for building… and the list continues. Some of those systems can be interconnected in some way. But not every system can do that, especially if you are behind a corporate firewall and some (I'm looking at you GitHub) have a quota. So wouldn't it be nice to have something like a Big SUSE event bus, where every event we'd be interested in could be queried or subscribed to? But before conquering the world, we have to start small. Let's start with GitHub! GitHub has a decent API that let's you query their system. The goal looks like this: Allow multiple clients to query information from GitHub without using the quota irresponsibly. It should also be possible to push state changes to subscribers.

Updated almost 4 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️.

Learning & using Tensorflow to estimate patch installation times on SUSE Manager

an invention by PSuarezHernandez


TensorFlow™ is an open-source software library for Machine Intelligence written on Python. It was originally developed by researchers and engineers working on the Google Brain Team within Google's Machine Intelligence research organization for the purposes of conducting machine learning and deep neural networks research, but the system is general enough to be applicable in a wide variety of other domains as well. (

Updated over 4 years ago. 5 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

OSEM Android App

an idea by hennevogel

Whitewash Gigitty, brand it and ship it on google play for

Updated over 2 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

Reanimate djmount

a project by mwilck

djmount is a neat idea - see UPnP/AV resources in your directly in the file system. Unfortunately the code hasn't been maintained for ~10y, and - at least for me - seems to by plagued by various bugs causing crashes and what not. There's currently no official openSUSE package. This project aims to pick up the code, fix bugs, and make the tool actually useful again. The code itself seems to be in quite a good shape, so this should be doable.

Updated over 4 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Take care of my Debian packages

an invention by vcuadradojuan

Take time this week to take care of the packages I maintain at Debian; open bugs, fix bugs, new upstream versions, enable testsuites in autopkgtest.

Updated almost 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Upstream support for SGI Octane

an invention by tsbogend

Patches for supporting SGI Octanes are floating around since ages. The latest version is against v4.10. I've talked to Ralf Baechle (MIPS kernel maintainer) and he is willing to take patches from me... so I have to provide them... and this what this project is for:-)

Updated about 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

netlink interface for ethtool

a project by mkubecek

There seems to be an overall consensus that the ioctl interface used by ethtool is a poor design as it's inflexible, error prone and notoriously hard to extend. It should clearly be replaced by netlink and obsoleted. Unfortunately not much actual work has been done in that direction until this project started. The project started in Hackweek 16 (fall 2017) and has been worked on since, both in Hackweek 17-19 and outside. First two parts of kernel implementation are in mainline since 5.6-rc1, first part of userspace implementation (ethtool utility) has been submitted to upstream at the end of Hackweek 19 (2020-02-16).

Updated about 4 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

L3 workflow in Jira

an idea by puzel

L3 workflow is implemented in a custom, developed in-house, tool called SolidGround Explore possibilities to implement existing L3 workflow in Jira to determine whether it could potentially replace SolidGround, thus reducing the effort needed to develop and maintain SolidGround.

Updated about 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

Learn and use meson

a project by JonathanKang

meson[0], a replacement to autotools, is very popular nowadays. It's a lot faster than autotools as far as what I hear and see. Besides lots of GNOME projects has been ported to meson. As one of the maintainers of GNOME Logs[1], I need learn meson and try to port Logs to meson for faster building. *[0]

Updated about 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Create a tool to generate vCPU/vNUMA topology for virtual machines

a project by jfehlig

Most large workloads such as SAP HANA require special, highly optimized configuration to run in a virtual machine. Virtual resources such as memory and CPU must be carefully configured to ensure optimum performance of the virtual machine workload. Default VM configuration created by tools such as virt-install are not optimized and often result in poor performance of large workloads due to memory access latencies and incorrect/incomplete information available to the VM's task scheduler. Currently, users deploying large workloads must manually optimize virtual CPU and memory resources, which can be error-prone and if not done properly can actually degrade performance. This project aims to create a tool that can produce suggested vCPU and vNUMA configuration based on a VM configuration template and capabilities of the target virtual machine host. E.g. something along the lines of

Updated about 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Dropbox replacement written in Pony

a project by KGronlund

I want to experiment with three things: * Blockchain

Updated over 2 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Research telemetry for (open)SUSE products

an idea by dmacvicar

Most of design is done still with a embarrassing amount of data. Having released software for decades, we still don't know exactly what module is the most used, what workflows the customers are following, where do customers fail. It is all guesses and opinions. The idea of this project is to research:

Updated over 2 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

Wayland security review.

an idea by yfjiang

One of the significant advantages of Wayland is about security, to isolate input/output of every single windows, encourage non-root user running the core process, as well as discouraging root user running any graphical applications. The project wants to have a close look at Wayland trying to address the questions: - how is wayland exactly integrated in current gnome stack of Tumbleweed/SLE (gnome-shell, mutter)

Updated about 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️. Has no hacker: grab it!

Pair Programming Test Drive/Probefahrt

a project by mamorales

Are you interested in pairing? Are you wondering whether it is something that would help you and your team members in your current project? Would you like to try it out before you fully commit to such an extreme idea? Then this is your lucky day Sir/Madam! Within the Cloud Foundry project you are expected to pair pretty much every time you are working on something. In the BOSH OpenStack CPI team this isn't the exception, so I've been doing it for the past 15 months. I'd like to transfer some of that experience to you fellow SUSE colleague. We can discuss about the pros and cons that this agile methodology has. For example, there are many misconceptions on how to pair, for once, having the right hardware makes a huge difference. During Hack Week 16 you have the chance to test drive a dual-control workstation (see image) which I believe is one of the biggest differentiators to have a good experience when pairing full time.

Updated about 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Do some 3D printing

an invention by aschnell

Do some 3D printing incluing designing the object.

Updated about 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Research/Development: `Doc as Code` Using Asciidoctor, Jekyll, gh-pages, TravisCI, Bootstrap v4 and any Additional Tech Discovered Along the Way

a project by JCayouette

Doc as Code with Asciidoctor, Jekyll, and TravisCI

Goals: (Subject to change)

Updated over 2 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Go async (and non-blocking) with HTTP requests

a project by j_renner

There is a couple of libraries available for asynchronous and non-blocking processing of HTTP requests (in Java) that can be used to avoid having threads waiting for responses in request intensive applications, for example: - Apache HttpAsyncClient

Updated about 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Practice Go

a project by vcuadradojuan

Use this hackweek to practice and learn more about Go.

Updated almost 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Mottainai - what a waste!

a project by EDiGiacinto

Mottainai - Task/Job/Build Server for everyone!

Written in Golang. You can find the source code on GitHub and docs here.

Updated almost 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

My Little Manager

a project by lucidd

Yes this project is yet another project for creating a Suse Manager clone. The motivation for that comes mainly from my need for a simple suse manager that i can easily run at home without the massive overhead involved in suse manager setup. Also since i mainly need to manage opensuse machines most of which are tumbleweed, suse managers repository model does not really work well in that case.

Updated about 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️. 1 follower.

Learn QT Linguist and improve translations for FET (a timetable creator)

a project by juliogonzalezgil

The idea is getting a general knowledge of how QT Linguist works, and help FET with some translations. FET is a timetable creator, that is available for openSUSE at, and allows a user to create a timetable, usually for educational institutions, with a lot of different available constraints.

Updated over 4 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.

Gran Canaria office: whiteboard, cubieboard and more

a project by ancorgs

Time for technical housekeeping in the shared Gran Canaria office. For the last couple of weeks, the Cubieboard powering our "SUSE office in a box" has been unresponsive. I want to check why. Fix it, update the system, etc.

Updated about 5 years ago. 4 hacker ♥️.