Go async (and non-blocking) with HTTP requestsa project by j_renner There is a couple of libraries available for asynchronous and non-blocking processing of HTTP requests (in Java) that can be used to avoid having threads waiting for responses in request intensive applications, for example: |
Write Blog Posts About Open Source Summit Europe 2017an idea by ta-ro Two blog posts planned in different platforms. |
Running Workshopa project by tgoettlicher Fresh air and motion helps your brain to come up with new and creative ideas. |
Linux Memory Subsystem researchan idea by osalvador Currently I am doing a research about the memory subsystem under Linux, and I would like to seize the opportunity to go on during the HackWeek. |
(DIY) Robotic SUSE pet for your desktop and amaze your workmatesa project by ilausuch The idea is to create a fantastic robotic SUSE pet using cheap materials. It will be moved with you remote control of your TV. After building the prototype the schemes and Arduino code will be delivered for everyone to try building it at home. |
Add support for DDR4 to decode-dimmsa project by jdelvare While DDR4 memory has become quite popular, decode-dimms doesn't know about it and is not able to display any useful information for DDR4 memory modules. I would like decode-dimms to provide the same detailed information about DDR4 memory modules as it does for all older memory types. |
SUSE Musicians Projecta project by jctmichel We started the SUSE Musician's Space several Hackweeks ago, out of which we spawned the SUSE band, now known as SUSE LOUD. |
zypper log analysis with the elastic stacka project by kwk Automate analysis of zypper logs using the elastic stack |
Try some Image Processing examples with OpenCV-Pythonan idea by qmsu Learn the OpenCV library and try some examples about "Image Processing" with OpenCV-Python. |
Learn more about Cloud computinga project by cxiong A course on Edx -- "Cloud Computing Infrastructure" -- looks very interesting. I want to spend this hackweek to "systematically" learn more about "cloud computing" |
Develop an ansible role to automate Rallya project by flaviosr Problem |
Install other Linux distros and play around with thema project by ta-ro See how other distros do and solve things and what we can probably learn from them (or where we offer better solutions). |
Deep in Process Scheduling Performance test method and toolsa project by JNa Linux process scheduler is the core of the Linux operating system,and it will directly affect the accuracy and stability of the Linux operating system is running. I want to deep in Process Scheduling Performance test method and tools. |
Learn about log-structured file systemsa project by ganghe Compared with traditional file systems (e.g. EXT4, XFS), log-structured file systems treat its storage as a circular log and write sequentially to the head of the log. I want to learn about this kind of file system via this hack week, to understand how it manages its data and metadata, to understand how it recover back from crash, to understand its advantages and disadvantages. |
GJS memory snapshot toolan idea by xiaoguang_wang GJS is javascript engine used by gnome-shell. |
Try more qemu/libvirt features.a project by xlai Current virtualization requirements mainly come from fate, and I haven't got chance to try freely many features of qemu/libvirt. So I will try to play it. |
Porting coreboot to Dell Latitude E6230a project by ArchLinux I'm going to port coreboot to the Dell Latitude E6230 laptop and make it work. |
Easy Hacks of LibreOfficean idea by zhengqiang LibreOffice is developed by hundreds of people around the world. It's free and open source software, so I would like to study how it works and add improvements. Start with fixing bugs, to improve skills and be more involved in open source projects. |
Improve EMU Team toolsa project by vitezslav_cizek The goal of this project is to extend and consolidate the tools used by the Emergency Update Team. |
Save and restore desktop window positionsa project by blgardner I switch fairly often from working on my laptop alone to working on my laptop attached to the dock with several monitors, and I have to move my windows around every time I switch. I want a tool to save and load window/desktop location configurations. I've tried a few tools and scripts that either haven't worked or haven't worked to my liking. I propose to create a tool that will work for openSUSE. |
Add a y2log viewer to openQA's WebUIa project by cwh Quite a big part of openQA is testing the installation of SUSE products. All of them are installed by YaST. So a big quantity of problems found during openQA testruns are YaST problems. |
Add Ansible support to yast2-configuration-managementan idea by IGonzalezSosa As you may already know, AutoYaST offers integration with Salt and Puppet through the YaST2 Configuration Management module. |
improve archteams internal test-openQA serveran idea by tsaupe Our internal openQA server is running but has serveral limitation. I will update it to SLE12SP3 and try to make it more smart. |
Make Formulas with Forms a standalone projectan idea by joachimwerner The idea is to create a new standalone project on GitHub that provides a minimal (e.g. Python Flask-based) server implementation Formulas with Forms that anyone can embed into their own Salt projects. |
Alexa Skill for remote-controlling SUSE Manager with voice commands.an idea by joachimwerner This is a documentation-only project: |
Add a "multi-field" to Formulas with Formsan idea by joachimwerner Idea |
Crowbar : to be able to change barclamp raw properties in a new user-friendly UIan idea by ilausuch In crowbar for each barclamp we can change some attributes using comfortable UI fields, but sometimes we need to change some attributes that aren't defined in these fields therefore we have to manipulate a json in a text area to change them. |
Loosely coupled integration between SUSE Manager and Machineryan idea by joachimwerner The Machinery project adds one feature to SUSE Manager that even Salt in its current state can not fully provide: You can scan a complete system for all programs, configuration files, users, and services that are present, and compare those over time. |
Proper difftool for supportconfigsan idea by jschmid1 Supportconfigs are huge blob of text which we are asked to examine and deduce issues from. |
Parser to extract function names from openQA lib/ functions - improve perl skillsa project by jorauch Since there is no real documentation about openQA's lib/ functions I wanted to kill two birds with one stone and write a parser in perl that extracts all function names (and maybe preceding comments) in said directory and improve my perl knowledge by doing this. |
Create a ncurses based frontend for Deepsea's policy.cfg generation (SES5)a project by jschmid1 Being part of SUSE's Storage Team I frequently talk about our Deployment tool called Deepsea. |
Create a web application for configuring laitos - your "Do Everything" software for serious preppersa project by guohouzuo Laitos is an open source project written in go, it emphasizes simplicity of maintenance and delivers a complete suite of web, DNS, and mail servers to host a personal web server. Beyond the suite of servers, laitos software hooks into numerous API platforms, that altogether enable user access to Internet features (such as Facebook, Twitter, emails) via alternative communication infrastructures such as telephone (PSTN), SMS, and satellite terminals. |
Rocket.Chat Improvementsa project by nkrinner Various improvements to Rocket.Chat, like - adding a IRC/Rocket.Chat gateway |
Add support for m3u, m3u extended, pls, and asx playlists to Volumio music player.a project by cwh Volumio is a great, Linux based, open source music player for Raspberry PI and x86. |
Ansible configs for home infrastructure: router, nas, server, desktop, laptop, htpc, offlinepca project by vcuadradojuan A successor of |
Solve a bug for GNOME upstreaman idea by qkzhu I want to improve my C skills and pick up some knowledge about Gtk+, Glib, Gobject... Some GNOME C projects might be a good place to start: |
Mobidict - A dictionary app with support for Mobi dictionary filesa project by namtrac There are a lot of good dictionaries in Mobi format (Thanks to Kindle) but none of the dictionary applications support it. But thanks to libmobi one can parse mobi files and extract the relevant data. This project is basically writing a gui (with Qt5) on top of libmobi for mobi dictionary files. |
Scripts and recipes for setting up VMs with multipath and other compex storage stacksa project by mwilck Customers are using complex storage stacks such as LVM over dm-crypt over MD RAID over multipath over iSCSI and FC with LOTs of LUNs, and we're facing problems in that area which are usually very hard to reproduce. It's also hard to guard against regressions. |
Use xfs as a curious usera project by yosun
Designing with LibreOfficea project by rliang06 L10N for the book entitled Designing with LibreOffice by Bruce Byfield |
mamiruan idea by persmule tool to split the header and body of an OpenPGP digital envelope |
Wayland security review.an idea by yfjiang One of the significant advantages of Wayland is about security, to isolate input/output of every single windows, encourage non-root user running the core process, as well as discouraging root user running any graphical applications. The project wants to have a close look at Wayland trying to address the questions: |
Add Ceph support for Azure RESTful protocolsan idea by dmdiss Microsoft Azure offers a bunch of interesting RESTful protocols, providing access to objects (Block Blobs, similar to S3 Objects), disk images (Page Blobs) and file systems (Azure Files). The underlying services seem to map pretty closely to RADOS, RBD and CephFS respectively, so adding support for these protocols to Ceph, despite being a lot of work, should be relatively straightforward. |