openQA IDE
a project by coolo
There is a running gag built into openQA called interactive mode. It goes like this: "if you need the interactive mode, it's broken". The reason: the so called interactive mode is a collection of hacks - in theory making it possible to update needles in a running test.
Pair Programming Test Drive/Probefahrt
a project by mamorales
Are you interested in pairing? Are you wondering whether it is something that would help you and your team members in your current project? Would you like to try it out before you fully commit to such an extreme idea? Then this is your lucky day Sir/Madam!
Deploying software.opensuse.org
a project by dmacvicar
After an internal call for help to take over software.opensuse.org deployment, I spend some time studying the code in order to find out what would it mean to take it over.
Improve Ruby
a project by ammartinez
Let's use the Hackweek to improve Ruby, the programming language I use every day. It is while using a language when you can realised that things that need/can to be improved, so there are many things that only Ruby developers can raise up. Also, getting involved in the development of Ruby will help to get a better understanding of how it works. So I will take my ideas/concerns to the Ruby community and implement some of the them in the code of the Ruby core.
microservices and serverless for the openSUSE.org infrastructure
an invention by tampakrap
The openSUSE.org official infrastructure is getting bigger and complicateder, so #microservices and #serverless FTW!
Learn Rust by writing an IRC bouncer
a project by IGonzalezSosa
A good way of getting to know a new programming language is... writing some code. So although there are some good IRC bouncers, like ZNC, we want to write another one just for learning.
OpenCI - test github PRs on openQA
an idea by coolo
We have quite some projects on openSUSE and os-autoinst organizations that are using travis-ci.org for testing their code. As travis-ci is using an ubuntu VM (or container) there are quite some things we can't test - or test by using SUSE containers within ubuntu VMs.
Romantic photo competition
a project by kalabiyau
Hackweek is a place for fun and things and also great things and a lot of fun. Some things don't require a reason - they are fun, that's all to it. Here goes a small competition with a lot of fun to it.
Goodbye Dister
an invention by cschum
SUSE Studio was shut down earlier this year. It has been online for more than ten years and there are tons of links and references out there. To not make them lead into the wasteland of 404 we should have a landing page on https://susestudio.com which leads to what users can use instead of SUSE Studio.
Hack the Hack Week tool
an invention by hennevogel
This project is about advancing the tool you're currently browsing.
Infrastructure-by-code + full-build-pipeline with the example of OBS+openQA
an invention by okurz
Lots of crucial steps in the SUSE/openSUSE product build workflow are not known or not even accessible by many people but hidden as "custom scripts" on "some machine" in the worst cases. Nowadays infrastructure and build pipelines should be written as code, e.g. in git repos, with UI frontends to show the always current state of what is going on, what needs to be done to release products, where are problems. The least we can do is learn a bit more in this direction.
Design the 2021 Open Build Service sticker
a project by hennevogel
Looking for projects around:
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