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over 2 years ago: DKarakasilis liked Open Source book reader for visually impaired/blind
over 2 years ago: DKarakasilis started Open Source book reader for visually impaired/blind
over 2 years ago: DKarakasilis originated Open Source book reader for visually impaired/blind
almost 4 years ago: DKarakasilis started Carrier API + Web UI
almost 4 years ago: DKarakasilis originated Carrier API + Web UI
about 5 years ago: DKarakasilis added keyword "bash" to Home assistant that doesn't spy on you - developer's edition
about 5 years ago: DKarakasilis added keyword "python3" to Home assistant that doesn't spy on you - developer's edition
about 5 years ago: DKarakasilis added keyword "python" to Home assistant that doesn't spy on you - developer's edition
about 5 years ago: DKarakasilis added keyword "docker" to Home assistant that doesn't spy on you - developer's edition
about 5 years ago: DKarakasilis added keyword "docker-compose" to Home assistant that doesn't spy on you - developer's edition
about 5 years ago: DKarakasilis added keyword "kubernetes" to Home assistant that doesn't spy on you - developer's edition
about 5 years ago: DKarakasilis started Home assistant that doesn't spy on you - developer's edition
about 5 years ago: DKarakasilis originated Home assistant that doesn't spy on you - developer's edition
over 5 years ago: DKarakasilis added keyword "paas" to Software development with the help of Kubernetes
over 5 years ago: DKarakasilis added keyword "development" to Software development with the help of Kubernetes
over 5 years ago: DKarakasilis added keyword "kubernetes" to Software development with the help of Kubernetes
over 5 years ago: DKarakasilis started Software development with the help of Kubernetes
over 5 years ago: DKarakasilis originated Software development with the help of Kubernetes
over 6 years ago: DKarakasilis liked microservices and serverless for the infrastructure
over 6 years ago: DKarakasilis joined microservices and serverless for the infrastructure