Test FreeBSD Linux Binary Compatibility layeran invention by michalnowak Let's see how correctly the FreeBSD emulation layer works. |
Learn more about marketinga project by Jackman1 I would like to learn more about something outside of engineering. I have selected to learn more about marketing; something our overall team is doing more of... |
Containerfile / Dockerfile generator libraryan invention by amanzini |
mrouted: Join multicast groups via IPIP or GRE tunnelsa project by e_bischoff |
Enable the containerized Uyuni server to run on different host OSa project by j_renner Description |
Implement search in zellijan invention by MSirringhaus Project Description |
SUSE-Rancher docs diagramminga project by jkrug My proposal for hack week is to dive into diagramming for the doc(s) team(s) as I've struggled to give it the decent block of time it needs. |
Task manager in Elixir/Erlanga project by vmoravec Elixir is a Ruby-ish dialect of Erlang with meta-programming capabilities, this is my first project using it: pedro . The idea is to create a task manager that would organize tasks (jobs) and manage them in projects. It will be running locally, remotely or both in multi-node setup, will provide CLI, have web UI relying on http and websockets. |
Agentless Systems Management Based on Salt SSHa project by j_renner This project is about using Salt SSH for managing systems without the need of an additional agent to be installed (besides |
Jupiter systeman invention by SLindoMansilla Description |
grub2-minimize-configa project by jbohac grub2-minimize-configReplace the config-generating scripts to generate a minimalist grub2 config |
Focus Friendly Desktop Adaptationsa project by wstephenson BackgroundGiven the number of different demands on our time and attention, it becomes increasing hard to focus and find the 'flow state' where a developer can be most productive. Interruptions due to chat notifications, email, and updater applets all break focus. Additionally, the desktop metaphor has in most cases failed to evolve as the browser and other MDI interfaces have become the focus for many users, and increased performance has allowed us to keep more tasks running and present on the desktop at once, presenting a higher cognitive load to the user. |
Support for DRM platform driversan invention by tdz This project could get us rid of the last fbdev drivers we're stil shipping: efifb and vesafb. |
HobbyFarm Helpa project by baumaeam |
Rancher Token Revokeran invention by mbolot |
Matter-compatible CCT LED dimmera project by michals Descriptionis a new standard for IoT automation. Unlike previous standards it does not require a special radio protocol but can work over plain WiFi. |
A SUSE chronicle 0.1a project by rhaidl Talking to people, getting the information about what had happened in the SUSE history, bringing all together to kind of a chronicle. Let's give it a try :-) |
Continue development of generic job server in haskell with primary focus on continuous integrationa project by yac Continue development of generic job server in haskell with primary focus on continuous integration and later possibly as support tool for data analysis in semantic file storage server, software configuration engine, etc |
Document Liberation Project's libraries' bug fixinga project by fstrba This hackweek, i will try to clear some bugs reported against DLP libraries as libvisio, libcdr or libfreehand. I did not have time to work on them since the last hackweek and I hope to add some new features and silence the most annoying bug reports. |
OpenCV on SLES on Raspberry Pia project by joadavis I just want to learn how OpenCV works. And having a portable version would be great. |
More ruby in YaSTa project by jreidinger In general plan for YaST is to use ruby only in future. So goal of this project is to move it forward and replace more parts with ruby. |
Full automation testing framework for KVMa project by jnwang So I have to build a tool for in full automation, when I work on KVM testing. The tool should be base on and compatible QASET (that is used currently in QA team. |
Brine in Go: A Salt Formula Build Systema project by Druonysus What is Brine? |
Intergrate Neo4j graph database into web frontenda project by yying Brief |
Self assessment application for learning a (human) languagea project by mssola Project Description |
Grapesss: a physical Shamir's Secret Sharing application [ESP32-C3 + Mobile]a project by ecandino |
Lightweight container runtime on Maca project by bnewberry |
Review SCC team internal development processesan invention by calmeidadeoliveira DescriptionSCC team processes do need a full review, and as there is not enough time left to do such activity during the week, I plan to do it during hackweek. |
Build python2 and python3 packages from single spec filean invention by tbechtold Currently python2 and python3 packages are completely independent. Would be imho good to build py2 and py3 versions from a single source (as Fedora, Debian & Ubuntu do already). There was already a mailing list post about this: http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-packaging/2014-09/msg00000.html |
openSUSE with Linaro 96 boarda project by bamvor 96 boards are the series open source boards with same size and interface launched by linaro. There are two arm 64bit boards and one sensor kit in my hand. |
Migrate drone plugins to new versiona project by tboerger As I'm already a maintainer of the plugins for Drone CI and we are nearby of a new releases which totally changed the structure of the plugins I would like to start migrating the existing plugins to the new structure. |
Improve plural support in gettext toolsa project by sbrabec gettext tools are used by many other projects to process translation files. |
Learn openQAa project by GraceWang I plan to learn openQA during this hack week. Below are the details: |
study RISC-V proxy kernel and simulatera project by ArchLinux I'm planning to do some research about RV32E which has only 16 GPRs, but riscv-pk doesn't have RV32E support so that the RV32E aware GCC (https://github.com/kito-cheng/riscv-gcc/tree/riscv-next) cannot build riscv-pk. I'm going to study how the proxy kernel works so that I can do some modification to let it support RV32E. |
cosmic-rivera project by dmaiocchi Rationale: |
Bonus project: Chameleon paintingsa project by kstreitova This is an extra project for Hack Week evenings because there is never enough chameleons. Never. |
Improve Docker registry listing toola project by rbranco Project Description |
openSUSE 12.1 DVD Artan invention by tserong I have three hundred and eighty four openSUSE 12.1 DVDs. Given 12.1 went end of life almost ten years ago, it seems likely these DVDs are useless. Rather than toss them out I've decided to try to turn them into some form of art. |
Contribute to terraform-provider-libvirta project by pinvernizzi Description |
Extended Catalog of SUSE Slideware Templatesa project by dominic_vieira Project DescriptionThere are lots of interesting presentations happening all throughout SUSE on all manner of subjects. Presenters have found all kinds of creative ways to showcase their content using different shapes, templates, and other tools to convey important information. If you're looking to start a new presentation, the current slide templates are great to get started with but often time presenters have to look elsewhere for design inspiration. The goal of this project is to create a centralized "extended catalog" of Powerpoint and Impress templates, as a compliment to the existing templates, and make them available to SUSE employees through ImageRelay, that can serve as inspiration and templates for those looking to create rich and complex presentations based on examples built by fellow SUSE employees. |
Serving web pages for a registered domain from a container behind proxyan invention by tjyrinki_suse Project description |
Look at personal NASa project by qzhao DescriptionThere are several open source private NAS solutions on the community today, There are a number of open source private NAS solutions on the market, and I'm going to compare their similarities and differences and analyze how they are implemented. |
Fix long-lasting issues of GM45 i915 chipset during suspend-resumea project by jkosina This mostly stems from |
Try to model check gfp_flags with cbmca project by vbabka Paul McKenney's blog article inspired me to try apply his approach to kernel's memory allocation flags (gfp_flags) and how their combinations affect the decisions and actions taken during page allocation. Recent upstream development around these flags leads me to believe that the complexity is too high for me to reason about them and change the code without unintended changes in semantics. So it might be worth to let the computer do the hard work. |
Docker registry UI in Go and ReactJSa project by tboerger I would like to continue to work on a web UI for the Docker registry. I know we already got Portus which is based on Ruby on Rails, but I would prefer a project based on Golang with a singlepage application for the frontend based on RactJS. So because of the singlepage application we are forced to write proper APIs that gets consumed by the javascript application, beside that I also want to add a CLI client for managing the system. |
GoldenDict popup flagan invention by xiaoguang_wang When GoldenDict enable scan popup functionality, if you want GoldenDict to show popup window, you need to select word by mouse and at same time press ALT or CTRL key. You can't show popup window only by mouse when needed. |
Get up to speed and experiment with new front-end web techsa project by richardcox A week of learning, improving and playing with some of the relatively new front-end stacks and patterns. |
Terraform plugin for SCCa project by ikapelyukhin After playing around with Terraform, a wild idea appeared to write a plugin for SCC. |
Program FPGA using Verilog and VHDLa project by aschnell Learn to program a FPGA using Verilog and VHDL |
OIDC Loginproxya project by toe DescriptionReverse proxies can be a useful option to separate authentication logic from application logic. SUSE and openSUSE use "loginproxies" as an authentication layer in front of several services. |